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       𝑇𝐻𝐸𝑅𝐸 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝑇 𝐻𝐴𝑉𝐸  been some preternatural being watching over me as I slept that night as I managed to stay comatose for a full six hours. I spent the entire day alert rather than in my usual state of falling asleep at my desk.  During the short time I had spend in Forks, I had managed to experience an abundance of good days and I couldn't help but wonder when the heavens would rain down to even the score. 

       Jasper had escorted me to the lot after our bickering match in history. We were starting to become friends and I wasn't as fearful of that idea as I had once been. I noticed Bella beckoning me to her and said my goodbyes to the the Southerner. I began to walk over to the girl, my mind not registering the high-pitched skidding until it was too like. Bella and I were like deer in headlights to the van than came spinning towards us. It all happened so quick- I braced for impact and felt my body being pulled into a hard cold surface. 

       "Rose. Rose, you're alright. Breathe, Rose." 

       The voice that flooded into my ears made me realize that I wasn't dead- instead I was being held in the arms of one Jasper Hale. My eyes snapped open revealing a pair of concerned golden eyes that I had grown so fond of. 

"Jasper?", I whispered. 

       He nodded his head before allowing me to rest my feet on the pavement. His golden eyes still scanning my body for injury with a level of concern unfamiliar to me. Suddenly, reality hit and the realization of the events came to me.

"Bella! Bella, is she alright?" 

       Jasper released me from his grasp when our pupils started to crowd the scene. I made my way to a perfectly safe Bells. After checking each other for injuries I found us both to be equally baffled after following her gaze to a hand-print sized dent in the side of Tyler's van.

"It was Edward. I-I don't know how he got there so quick- he was all the way across the lot. Am I crazy? I mean-" I cut her off and cupped her cheeks in my palms. 

"No Bella, I don't know how but they did. The Cullens saved us." 

       She gave me a wide-eyed look as we both attempted to calm our racing nerves. I tried not to let curiosity take over but it was so difficult not to. Looking over to the crowd I saw no evidence of the honey blonde who managed to save me. I couldn't help but feel disappointed, I wanted to thank him.


     Bells and I were sat in the ER with an extremely over-apologetic Tyler. We did our best to calm him down but after Charlie bursted through the steel doors with Aunt Jayne hot on his heels even I knew I couldn't keep him safe.

       Charlie ran to his daughter as Aunt Jayne hobbled over to me. "Are you alright? Are you hurt? Jesus, Rose, I was this close to having a goddamn heart attack.", the woman gushed as she frantically checked my body for injury.

"I'm alright, Aunt Jayne, I was pushed out of the way before the van could hit me."

"You were wh-" She and Charlie's rambling was cut off by a handsome, young blonde man that I easily identified as a Cullen. If it wasn't the posture or the flourecent skin- it was the golden eyes.

"I thought I heard the chief's daughter was here." He glided over to us and offered us all a kind smile.

"Good, Dr. Cullen." Mr. Swan gave him a stiff nod and allowed him to examine Bella. I began to fade out a little bit- thinking intensely about the recent events and trying to come up with a plausible explanation for it all, only to come up short. Very short.

"So, Rosemary Mulligan.." He motioned for me to look forward, as he checked my eyes with his light before making a mark in his chart. "Vitals are good, no concussion. You might experience some Post Traumatic Stress or nausea- that goes for both of you.", he addressed Bella and I, "You are both very lucky."

      Bella decided then would be a great moment to speak up, and as much as I loved her- I thourougly disagreed. "It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way."

"Edward? Your boy?" Dr. Cullen seemed to ignore Bella and Charlie's statements and became fixated on the chart. An obvious form of deflection which only seemed to encourage Bella further.

"It was amazing he got to me so fast, he was nowhere near me- neither was Jasper and he basically carried Rose from the scene." I internally rolled my eyes when I felt Aunt Jayne's gaze on me. The woman was going to ask a lot of questions- some I knew I wasn't ready to tell the answers to.

"As long as you both are safe." Dr. Cullen continued his deflection which visibly deflated Bella.


       Aunt Jayne and Chief Swan had to go sign our paperwork, and I had decided to take the long way out with Bella. Hushed voices echoed from down the hall and she seemed to have no sense of manners as she marched right up to the owners. Me, being the gentlewoman that I am, decided against that and kept walking towards the exit. That was until someone cleared their throat behind me. I flinched dangerously, swiveling on my heels to see the person I was least expecting- Jasper Hale.

      His brows were knitted tightly in the same manner they had been just a short while before. This was exactly what I didn't want. His posture was stiff and we stood in a slightly awkward silence.

"A-Are you alright?" The stoicalness was wiped from his face and replaced with a look of amusement.

"You're in the hospital and you're asking me if I'm alright?"

"Well technically, you are in a hospital too.." I lifted my brow at him and he let out a breathy chuckle.

"My father works here," He gave me a cheeky grin,"and I'm actually here to check up on you."

       I felt my cheeks flush, "Oh. Well, thank you, Mr. Hale." I took a step closer to him. "About earlier.." He visibly stiffened, "I don't know how you did it- but thank you. Truly." His gaze on me softened when he realized I wasn't going to press any further.

"It was my pleasure, Miss Rose." My lips stretched into a wide grin which he returned and I made my way back to the lot. I wasn't sure if I was ready to ask him about it- but I definitely wasn't letting this go.

ahahaha im so tired im so fucking tired my proofreader is yelling at me right now I want sleep sleep too, C

ahahaha im so tired im so fucking tired my proofreader is yelling at me right now I want sleep sleep too, C

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