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       𝐼 𝑊𝐴𝑆 𝐿𝐸𝐴𝑁𝐼𝑁𝐺 against the hood of Bella's truck with my eyes closed. I thought that maybe doing so would make up for the sleep-deprived state I found myself in, but the brunette had other plans. I found myself jolting awake when she slammed her book shut. 

"I have made a decision- I am going to ask Edward what his deal is.", She beamed at me victoriously.

"I think that is a wonderful idea Bells, I'm happy you aren't goin' to let him run all over you." 

       She seemed content for a minute until our attention was redirected to the infamous jeep pulling into the parking lot. I watched the silver vehicle come to a stop and found myself both eager and hesitant to see Jasper due to my realization the previous night. I couldn't take my eyes off of him once he had exited the car. He seemed even more gorgeous than the day before, if such a thing was possible. His gaze met mine and I mentally cursed myself for staring. The heat rose in my cheeks as he tilted his head and offered me a grin. 

"Goddamn cowboy is gonna' be the death of me.", I muttered, rubbing my face in hopes of hiding the redness. Bella and I watched as the last Cullen finally made their way inside the building. She then gave me a playful nudge. 

"What..?", I mumbled.  She suggestively wiggled her brows at me in response.

"Oh, you know what.", she snickered. I put my hand to my chest in mock-shock.

"Bella, I am a independent woman and I am offended you'd think so low of me." She rolled her eyes and tucked a runway behind her ear.

"I'm just saying- I can see the way you guys look at eachother. I-It's cute."

"Bells, I swear to god." I slapped her knee and grabbed my bag from the ground. "Did you see Edward?", I asked in an attempt to shift the focus of the conversation. She shrugged and moved her gaze to the pavement.

"No, I think he skipped. Am I really so intolerable that he would skip school just to avoid me?" I threw an arm lazily around her shoulders and walked us into the school.

"I don't think his absence has anythin' to do with ya' Bells. He probably just has to perfect his broodin' face." 

       She giggled at that and we both stumbled our way to biology. We saw that the classroom was almost completely full and she shot me a worried glance. I gave her my best attempt at a reassuring smile and pushed her in the direction of her empty lab table before making my way to the back of the class. I tried my best to avoid eye-contact with the southerner I had grown so attracted to, but failed miserably. His golden eyes pierced my own and I could hear my heartbeat thumping in my ears only increasing the closer I got to him. He looked down, amusement dancing on his features.

       I plopped rather dramatically into my seat and set my head on my arms forgetting that my wild curls were most definitely sprawled sporadically in all directions.

"Well, good mornin' to you too, Ms. Rose." I rose my head to shoot him a playful glare.

"Not today, cowboy."

"Alright, alright- I'll quit my pickin'. Are you alright though?- you look a lil' flushed." I returned my head to my arms and gave him a grin.

"I'm just tired. Would you mind coverin' for me to Molina?" I gave him my best pout and he just shook his head, facing back to the front.

"It would be my pleasure. Sweet dreams, darlin'."

     Despite the comfort I found in this town- I always found myself back in Georgia when I slept. It was almost impossible to actually rest. I was grateful to Jasper for allowing me to sleep, and as crazy as it sounds- it was easier to try in the presence of the man. I felt like calmness wafted from his form lulling me to sleep. 

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