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       𝑉𝐸𝑅𝐷𝐼'𝑆 𝐿𝐴 𝑇𝑅𝐴𝑉𝐼𝐴𝑇𝐴: Libiamo ne' lieti calici' was blasting through the kitchen as I helped Esme grate the parmesan for the "Italiano cuisine" we were preparing for Bella. "Is she even Italian?", Rosalie hissed.

"Her name is Bella.", teased Emmett. Rosalie rolled her eyes and I stifled a laugh.

"Oh get a whiff of that- here come's the human." Rosalie singsonged and continued to stir the salt in her hands. Esme let out an excited squeal and skipped over to where Bella and Edward were coming in.

"Bella, we're making Italiano for you."

"Bella, this is Esme- my mother for all intents and purposes." Esme smiled warmly while Emmett used the knife he was holding to wave. I gave him a light punch to the shoulder and he snickered. Bella stood awkwardly next to Edward.

"Bon Giorno?"

"Molte Bene." Carlisle perked up and dried his hands off with a rag.

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time." Esme smiled brightly.

"I hope your hungry." Bella shifts on her feet and nods


"She already ate..", Edward grimaced. Rosalie smashed the bowl in her hands.Oh shit.

"Perfect.", she snapped. Emmett saunters over to calm her down and Bella visibly panics.

"No- it's cause I know you guys don't eat.." Carlisle walked over and put an arm around his wife.

"No, of course- that was very considerate of you." Edward murmured something into Bellas ear that was only loud enough for a vampire's ears. This fueled Rosalie's rage.

"Yes, let's keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us." Bella rubbed her forearms, obviously uncomfortable, and I shot her a sympathetic glance.

"I would never, ever tell anyone." Carlisle gave us both a reassuring smile. 

"She knows that." Emmett piped up from his spot next to Rosalie.

"The problem is, you all have gone public now, so.." Esme scolded him as Rosalie glared at Bella.

"No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly."

"Badly..", The silence is filled with tension as Bella shifts on her feet, "Oh..badly. Like, where I become the meal." I felt my face ripen as the room filled with light laughter. Rosalie span around on her heels and left- Emmett nodding to us and following in tow. We were saved when a chirpy voice filled the room.

"Hi, Bella." Alice and Jasper leaped from a tree through the open window. I joined him and noticed his rigid figure. He wrapped an arm around my waist and held me tight. I felt his body stiffen when he saw Alice engulf Bella in one of her infamous hugs. "Oh..you do smell good." Edward's face contorted and he stumbled on his words. I had to stifle my own laugh resulting in a quick glare from him. "It's okay- me and Bella are going to be great friends." Alice gave Bella the wildflowers she had been holding and took a place beside me. Carlisle noticed Jass' expression and gave us a small smile.

"Sorry- Jaspers our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." I wrapped my own arm around his waist in an an attempt to comfort him. He gave me a half-hearted smile before refocusing on Bella. "Pleasure to meet you." His voice was tense and Alice gave me a nudge when she noticed Jass' eyes darken.

"It's okay Jasper, you won't hurt her." I used my free hand to grasp the one he has secured around my waist. At this point Edward looked completely mortified and decided voiced he was taking Bella on a tour of the house. "You did great, baby." I reached up and tousled his curls. He gave me a grin and we said our goodbyes to his family.

"Thank you, darlin'." He murmured as he led me up the stairs.

"You don't have to thank me, Jass. I know how hard it can be for you." He tightened his grip on my hand and walked us into his room, closing the door softly behind us. I took a seat on his couch, and ushered him to sit beside me. His posture was still rigid and I had to find some way to distract him. I spotted a novel on the end table "Oh, well- let's see what fantastical world Mr. Hale is venturing into now..", I teased, reaching for the book. "Emma..a classic." I flipped through it only to have a small object float into my lap. I studied it as Jasper studied me.

"A marigold..from that day we went to the greenhouse, and Emma, as it was the first book I saw that day at your home."

"Who knew you were the sentimental type..?", I teased as I closed the book and leaned into him.

"Is this coming from the woman who painted a portrait of me without my given consent?"

"Touche." I set the book down and glided throughout the room, spotting a small record player in the far corner. "How long have you had this?"

"Longer than I can remember..it's an antique but it still works like new." He eyed me as I thumbed through the vinyls- finding the exact one I was hoping for.

"This..Jasper Hale, has been a dream of mine since I first saw the film."

"What do you mean, Rosemary?", he inquired.

"Well, there is this movie- 'The Notebook' it is what I've always wanted my love story to be like." I flashed him the record and he smirked. "There is this one scene- between Noah and Ali where he hums the melody to a song. They danced in the street and she realized then that- she was hopelessly in love with him." He took the record from my hands and placed it on the platter. I guided his hand to the exact second and the crackling of Billie Holiday's I'll be seeing you filled our ears. He turned to me smiling.

"Miss. Rose?"

"Mr. Hale." He extended his hand out to me.

"May I have this dance?" I took his hand and he led me out to the middle of the room.

"I don't see why not.", I chuckled. He wrapped his right hand around mine and gently gripped my left hip. We swayed slowly together, my heart beating rapidly. His eyes were soft and I could tell how carefully he was holding me, as if he could shatter me in a second. He dipped me softly causing us both to erupt into quiet joyous laughter, before our eyes locked again. It was as if every fiber in my being joined with his. The music was all I could hear, and he was all I could see. This was the most intimate I'd ever been with another person- the most intensely I've ever felt.

"Jasper?" I looked up into his eyes, reading them to see if he felt as intensely as I did.


"I think I know what Ali meant.." His thumb ran over my fingers and he lifted his brows.

"What do you mean?"

"I just realized..I have fallen hopelessly in love with you." His face lit up and a genuine smile spread over his features.

"Rose. I have been hopelessly in love with you since the first time I saw you." He chuckled and trailed a finger along my jaw, swiping my bottom lip as I grinned. He met his lips to mine softly before pulling away- the smile still evident on his features. I set my head on his chest and he took my hand back into his. We stayed like that for hours- floating to the tunes of the past.

yeah. shit man. ima cry.

 ima cry

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