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{Disclaimer: Mild language }

My eyes flutter open and I observe the empty room I'm in. It has concrete floors and plain white walls. It seems to be abandoned due to the condition it is in. I glance down and notice my situation. I am sitting in a wood chair, my hands tied behind my back with rope. My feet are tied too. I release a large sigh and pout. Well shit. This is so tiring. My memory gradually returns and I remember how I got here. I was kidnapped by him. Damnit. Right when I was trying to be strong for once too. I should've just fought instead of trying to hide.

I sit for a while in the room, waiting for my captor to reveal himself. Sure enough, he enters through the white, yellow-stained door. With slow steps, he approaches me. His short hair swaying with each step. I still can't believe that he dyed his hair. Shakily, he inhales, "Good morning, sunshine."

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, fiddling with the ropes restraining me.

"Why else? Revenge."

"What did I ever do to you?" I interrogate, he releases a breathy chuckle. His face twists into a scary grin.

"There you go, worrying only about yourself." He glances up at me through his yellow hair. "Do you ever feel shame, Y/n?"

"I'm not as selfish as you think I am," I state.

He laughs, "Oh really?"

"At least I'm not selfish enough to destroy all of my friend's trust for money," I argue. His face hardens into a frown.

"Don't act as you know me."

"Then I expect the same from you."

"Whatever, just shut up. You're making my head hurt," he grumbles and exits the room. As soon as he leaves, I fully focus on untangling the knot of the rope. My fingers can't seem to find a solution so I think of another escape. Maybe I could smash the chair? The old wooden chair creaks from beneath me when I shift my weight to stand. After a few tries, I barely can stand without falling. I quickly use all my strength to swing the chair around and slam it into one of the walls.

The only result is a hole in the wall, I can feel the stability of the chair has decreased despite that. From the other side of the wall, I hear a loud groan, "What is she doing, now?" I quickly waddle to where the chair was before and place myself there. I nervously sit and wait for the angry man to come stomping through the door. Just as I thought, he enters grumpily.

"What the hell was that noise?" he questions, fluffing up his hair. I can sense that he is tense by his sharp movements.

"What noise?" I ask, tilting my head innocently. He watches me unenthusiastically, I notice his eyes start to drift to the hole in the wall. His eyes widen and he slowly approaches it. I take this as an opportunity to work especially hard on untying myself. He observes the hole, peeking through it.

Amazingly, I free my hands and quickly begin doing the same to my ankles. "Did you do this? How...?" he mutters to himself. Once I free my feet, I grab the chair and lift it above my head. This is it. He glances back at me and his face twists in shock. Using all my strength, I launch the chair at him. He blocks it with his hands, but I can tell that it still managed to damage him. Without looking back, I run for the door leaving him behind me. I find myself sprinting through another large empty room, this one appears to be just as torn up.

Random debris on the floor staggers my steps but I still manage to evade capture. I find the nearest door and swing it open. It's the size of a closet. Well shit, do I hide or run? Last time, I tried to run and it didn't work. I can't outrun him. I have a better chance here.

Swear By the Moon • BTS Mafia (Off Break - Editing!!)Where stories live. Discover now