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The men find themselves wandering into the memorial service building, they silently enter without a sound. They mindlessly approach the girl's poor casket, it lies lifeless before them. Jungkook walks to the casket, his hand grazes its hardwood, and his eyes dare not to peer inside the open hatch.

Namjoon walks up next to him and looks in at the now peaceful woman. What a sad sight it was. She wore a beautiful dress that covered her chest and formed into sleeves. Her hair was styled nicer than usual, but it was still the same Y/n Namjoon came to love. His gaze lowers, and he gulps, holding back his emotions. "Goodnight, beautiful. Sleep well," He mutters to her, his heart aching at his short words. He steps back and motions for the other members to visit her.

Taehyung approaches next, his eyes immediately landing on Y/n's polished state. He places his hand on the outside of the coffin and rubs it lightly. "I guess I should say something, huh?" Taehyung chuckles softly to himself. "All I can say is... I'm sorry." He goes quiet as he views her face. He gives her a small bow and turns, walking to another room.

Jin clenches his fist and finds himself at Y/n's side. He looks at her and sighs. "How did we get here, Y/n... I didn't think I was gonna have to bury you when you lived with us. I'm sorry that I failed you; I sure am a shitty medic, huh?" Jin pauses for a moment, his hair falls over his eyes as a tear rolls down his cheek. "I'm gonna miss you a lot... cooking with you every day, listening to your stories, and even when you would listen to my jokes! Don't worry about me and just rest now, Y/n. We can have fun again someday." A small sob releases from his lips, and before he can't handle it anymore, he walks away from the casket slowly.

Jimin gulps and takes a deep breath; it is his turn to say something to her. He had seen his hyung talking to her and was already nervous about having to say his... final words. What if they weren't good enough? This was his last time to see her, even if she wasn't alive. The first thing he does is observe her face again for the last time. He smiles sadly as he imagines the cold frown she wore turning into the warm grin that she always used to flash him. His heart tore as he realized the reality, he would never see her smile at him again.

His bottom lip trembled as he spoke, "Why... why is the reality so harsh? Why did you have to go...why you?" Jimin placed his hand on the casket, right where her hand was hidden underneath. "Don't worry about anything anymore, Y/n. I'll make him regret everything he ever did to you. Just wait... I'll visit and give him a piece of my mind. Until then, get your rest so you can see me beat his ass, ok?" He chuckled sadly and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry he got away with his life, Y/n. I should've aimed higher. Next time we see each other, tell me if anyone bothers you, and I'll kill them twice." He clenched his fist and bit his bottom lip. With one last look at Y/n, he stomped away, rage filling his thoughts.

Jungkook finally glances his eyes inside the casket, his heart throbs at the sight of her face. He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to speak. Instead of words, a small sob slips from his lips, and he dashes away to the next room. Hoseok's eyes follow the younger, and he contemplates what to do. He walks to the casket and peers inside, a smile graces his features. With his heart on his sleeve, Hoseok begins, "You look just as pretty as always, Y/n. I never understood how you can be so perfect... I guess it is true that angels exist, huh?" He gulped and cut his words short before following Jungkook to talk to the younger male.

Yoongi ignored their actions and silently approached the forever-sleeping girl. His lips remained a plain frown, but his eyes began to water. His eyes never strayed from the woman before him, and his hand lay gently on the casket. He wasn't much for expressing his emotions, but this occasion was a large exception. Yoongi cleared his throat and spoke to her, "You know how I said that you weren't my type...? Well, I was lying. Sorry, I had to lie to you, but you were just so comfortable to be around; I thought it would always stay that way. I thought I could get by every day just by talking to you and protecting you from afar... I guess it just didn't work out that way. I should've told you; we all should've told you. I'll never hide anything from you again, Y/n. I promise." His gaze drifts away, not knowing what else to say. No matter what words came out of his mouth, it wouldn't change anything. At the end of the day, Y/n was dead. For once, Yoongi felt completely powerless.

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