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I roll over and groan. With a loud yawn, I open my eyes and stare at the white ceiling. My head is throbbing, hurts like hell. I roll to my side and see a room that I've never seen before. Grey walls, white ceiling, grey bed sheets, a white closet with different colored clothes in it, and a man in the doorway. Wait, what the hell?!

"I see you're up, I was just about to get you," the man says.

"Who are you? Is this your room?" I question.

"My name is Jin. We haven't met before but please don't be afraid of me, ok? The other people you have to meet are worse than me," he had a slight smirk, and it made me nervous, "you're at our house, so behave yourself. Also, you should cover yourself up."

I furrow my eyebrows and look down to see my red lace bra exposed by the covers, I flush bright red and pull up the blankets quickly. Jin just chuckles, "Head downstairs after you get dressed."

He leaves the room, and I mentally scold myself for acting so flustered around him. He's just a perv... a handsome pervert. I hesitantly crawled out of bed and threw on clothes that were lying, folded on the floor. It's a white crop top that's luckily not too short, and a black skirt that looked like it was part of a uniform. With a final sigh, I walk to the door and shove it open, heading downstairs.

I walk into a large living room, these men are rich, as I thought. I see a familiar person on the couch, playing a video game. I walk up to him, but he doesn't even turn his head to look at me. Rude.

"Um, do I know you from somewhere?" I ask him, and he pauses his video game, turning to me. He looks me up and down, then smiles.

"We met at the bar last night. I'm Jungkook. Do you remember?" I tilt my head and try to think hard about last night.

"Not yet, last night was a bit of a blur, I'm sorry," he nods understandingly and pats the spot on the couch next to him. I take a seat and observe as he plays his video game. "Wait, so you live here too?"

"Yeah, I've been with my hyungs for years. We're inseparable, even though we fight sometimes," Jungkook says.

"That's sweet. I don't have anyone that's like that in my life. Everyone is always temporary," I sigh and look at my hands.

"Hey, I'll be one of those friends if you want?" he pauses the game again and turns his head to me.

"Thank you, Jungkook." He puts his hand on my knee, and everything comes back to me. "Oh, hey. I remember you now!"


"Yeah, you kept touching my legs."

"Hah, sorry about that," he scratches the back of his neck with the hand that was on my knee.

Another man walks into the room and steals my attention. He's handsome. He smiles a little, and his face lights up. He approaches us, and his smile drops, shit. "Who is this, Jungkook?" he looks at me strangely.

"This is Y/n. She's beautiful isn't she, Hoseok Hyung?" I nervously looked down at the ground in front of the man. Jungkook's question causes him to step closer to me. I sense his hand slip under my chin and move my head to his. We are face-to-face now and he just tilts my head, looking at my features. A small blush appears on my cheeks when I meet eyes with him.

"She's pretty," Hoseok smoothly answers while maintaining eye contact until he drops my chin. I immediately look down, and he chuckles, walking off into another room. Why are they getting to me like this?!

"That was interesting... I think Hoseok might like you!" Jungkook spouts excitedly. He turns off his video game and the TV, taking my hand when he sets down his controller. "Let's have some breakfast."

I walk with him to the kitchen, and when we walk in, I see six people. Hoseok is there with Jin and someone else that looks familiar. The first thing I see though is that one of them has blood all over him and a gun in his hand. What the fuck is happening? I tighten my hold on Jungkook's hand and freeze in place. Jin sighs after he notices Jungkook and me, "I told you to change, Taehyung."

Swear By the Moon • BTS Mafia (Off Break - Editing!!)Where stories live. Discover now