Chapter 13

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*Nini POV*

'Hey, you ready to go?' EJ asks me after my moms have taken the last of about 1500 pictures. Today is the Christmas dance and I'm so excited. But, my moms are treating it like its my final homecoming or prom and its getting kinda annoying. I just want to have a nice evening with my new boyfriend and all my other friends.

When we arrive at school, EJ opens the car door for me and offers his hand. I take it with a huge smile on my face.

'Why, thank you good sir.' I say in a posh accent.

'Anything for you, m'lady.'

We laugh all the way into the to the gym were the dance is being held. When I see the decorations I physically gasp. The gym was covered in light blue and white decorations making it look like it had snowed inside.

My eyes find my group of friends and I start pulling EJ towards them. But when we get halfway to them, I notice someone I had not expected to see. I don't know why I didn't expect to see him. I guess it makes sense that he is here. Then I see who he has hanging from his arm and for some reason something inside of me flips a switch and puts me in angry mode.

'I'm not going to be a doormat for you!'

The words come to my mind and I know they mean something, but I can't put my finger on it. They make me even more angry. They almost justify it in my own mind.

I have to fight with myself to keep my anger under control. I don't know why I'm angry. It's not like I care who he comes to a dance with. And I'm happy being here with EJ. My boyfriend.

I don't care. I don't care. Right?



Real short one today. Sorry about that. And sorry for keeping you waiting so long for this part.

I will try and update more frequently :)


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