Chapter 20

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Soooo... sorry for literally taking over half a year to make the next chapter. If it wasn't obvious, I got huge writers block. Also looking back at the story I realized that the plot is somewhat boring so I'm sorry about that! I plan to use this fanfic as a reference to make better ones in the future. Thanks for reading! Now onto what will be the final chapter of this story.

Three Years Later~

"C'mon Luce lets go on this one!" Natsu said, ripping a quest off the board and shoving it in Lucy's face.

Lucy pushed it away with her palm with a small chuckle. "I don't need it shoved in my face asshole. And I trust you picked a good one, so let's go!"


Natsu pumped his fist into the air and grinned. Lucy playfully scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah... let's go ask the others if they wanna join."

Lucy looked around and spotted Gray and Juvia sitting at a booth. She grabbed Natsu's hand and walked over to them.

"Hey guys! We're going on a quest. Care to join us?"

"Juvia would love to! But only if Gray wants to go, of course."

Juvia dropped the "-Sama" honorific a couple years back. Gray said it was weird to refer to him that way when they were in a relationship, and Juvia agreed.

"Yeah, sounds like fun. Have you asked love birds yet?" Gray said, pointing behind him to a booth further away.

In said booth, Jellal and Erza were sitting across from each other, holding hands and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. Lucy would be jealous except for that fact that she gets to do the same with the man she loves.

"Not yet, but I doubt they wouldn't want to come," Lucy spoke.

"Hey Erza! Jellal! Wanna go on a quest with us?" Natsu shouted, walking over to them with his cute toothy grin.

Erza gave Jellal a look, telepathically speaking to him, before turning to Natsu and saying, "Sure!"


Natsu would ask Happy but he's currently on a date with Carla. In the corner of his eye he spots Wendy talking to Romeo at the bar.

"How 'bout you guys? Wanna join us on this quest?" Natsu shouted once again. They smiled and nodded, getting up and walking over to the group.

Ever since everyone got together, team Natsu grew to include Jellal, Juvia, and Romeo. They were a great team, and Magnolia highly respected and adored them.

"Well since we all seem to be ready, let's head out!" Lucy cheered.

"Yes! See you Mirajane!" Natsu said, waving quickly before sprinting out of the guild. Lucy shook her head with a smile, running after him along with everyone else.

This was her new normal, and she absolutely loved it.


I know it's not a lot, but I just couldn't leave this story without an ending. I hope you enjoyed the story though! I love you all~

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