Chapter 8

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Chicken Fight Tournament

Erza turned around and looked at the familiar figure with blue hair and a face tattoo. A smile crept onto her face at the sight of her secret crush.

"Jellal!" Erza ran to him and hugged him.

"What are you doing here?" She smiled and gazed into his eyes.

"Well Mira invited Crime Sorcière to the vacation. And since you were rooming with Kinana, and I was rooming with Erik, she said Kinana and I could switch! So your partner for the tournament is right here," Jellal explained.

Erza was too happy for words and dragged him into the pool.

"Alright! Since everyone is ready, I will announce the first round! Team Nalu will be going against Team Rowen! Team Gajevy will be going against Team Gruvia! Team Miraxus will be going against Team Elfgreen! And last but now least, Team Jerza will be going against Team Bicksfreed!"

Every team was sweat dropping at the names Mira gave them, but got ready to go against each other. Team Nalu was determined to get that free buffet. Team Gruvia couldn't really communicate, but Juvia didn't care as long as she was with Gray. Gray secretly felt the same way as Juvia. Team Rowen already accepted defeat knowing they couldn't win against Team Nalu.

Team Gajevy didn't care either, but Gajeel wanted to beat them so he could beat the salamander. Levy knew when didn't stand a chance against Juvia. Team Elfgreen we're determined to be number one. Team Miraxus really just wanted all of Mira's ships to bond and be close to each other. Team Jerza didn't care for the buffet. Erza wanted to win, and Jellal just wanted Erza. Team Bicksfreed didn't care because they were just happy to watch Team Elfgreen.

"Round one starts... now!" Mira yelled. Natsu charged at Romeo who just stood there are watched with horror. Lucy felt bad for Wendy but immediately flung her off Romeo's shoulders.

"Nice one Luce!" Natsu danced around in the water and Lucy just giggled.

Although Team Gruvia didn't care, Juvia wanted to make sure that nobody touched her Gray-Sama, so she used all her might to knock Levy off. It wasn't hard due to Levy's size.

Team Elfgreen charged at Team Miraxus. Laxus wanted to win, but Mira was in her own world watching the other teams. She was easily knocked down, but she didn't care.

Team Jerza and Team Bicksfreed was an unfair battle. Freed sat on Bickslow's shoulders, and Erza on Jellal's. Erza had a look of determination on her face, and Jellal just laughed and watched her knock out Freed.

"That concludes round one! The teams going to round two are Team Nalu against Team Gruvia, and Team Elfgreen against Team Jerza! Get ready for round two everyone!" Mira exclaimed.

The teams got ready to take each other down. Gray at Natsu glared at each other. Elfman and Erza glared at each other.

"Round two starts... now!"

Natsu and Gray charged at each other. Elfman charged at Jellal who walked over to him slowly. Lucy and Juvia fought with each other fiercely. Erza knocked Evergreen over easily with one movement.

"Oh my Mavis look! It's a picture of Gray naked!" Lucy paused the fighting and pointed behind Juvia in shock.

"W-What? Juvia wants to see!" She turned her head only to be knocked down by Lucy. Gray just sighed and laughed.

"Round two over! The final round shall be Team Nalu against Team Jerza!" Mira shouted.

The final two teams prepared themselves. They were determined to win.

"Final round starts... now!" Mira watched as two of her favorite ships battled. Lucy and Erza were using all their might to push the other over. It was an even fight, but Erza started to get the upper hand.

Lucy was worn out from the earlier battles. Just as Erza was about to knock out Lucy, Jellal slipped and fell over, taking Erza down with him. When they arose from the water, Jellal apologized to Erza who was very upset that she got second. Natsu threw Lucy up into the air and caught her bridal style.

"We won Luce! We won the free buffet!" Lucy smiled at Natsu who grinned his toothy grin.

"And there you have it folks! The winner of this year's Fairy Tail Chicken Fight Tournament is none other then Team Nalu!" Mira applauded, "That concludes tonight's activities! Thanks for coming! Enjoy the rest of your evening!"

Slowly everyone left with their roommates. Erza happily walked next to Jellal back to their room. She was shocked when Jellal held her hand, but gladly held it back. Gray had Juvia on his back as they went back to their room. Laxus was too nervous to make a move on Mira, so Mira held his hand. She looked up at him and smiled.

Wendy was exhausted, so Romeo carried her back to their room. Levy walked next to Gajeel with her arms wrapped around one of his. Freed and Bickslow walked together, taking quick glances at each other before turning away and blushing. Elfman talked about manly things while Evergreen argues with him to stop.

Natsu and Lucy were the last to leave the pool. Natsu got out first and held his hand out to Lucy. She grabbed it and got out as well.

"Oh wait... we didn't bring towels!" Lucy groaned.

"I don't need one," Natsu grinned. His body flamed for a couple seconds until he was completely dry.

"No fair! I don't have fire powers!" Lucy whined. Natsu walked over to her and held his hand out. In his hand was a small flame.

"Here ya go Luce!" Lucy smiled at him.

"Wait! I know! Open! Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" Lucy grabbed Virgo's zodiac key and shouted. A pink haired maid appeared before them.

"Good evening, princess. Would you like to punish me?"

"N-No Virgo. Could you get me some dry clothes?"

Virgo nodded and returned to the celestial world. She was back with new clothes a moment later. She changed Lucy's clothes in an instant.

"Arigatou, Virgo," Lucy smiled.

"Time for punishment?"

"I-I'm not gonna punish you!"

Virgo looked somewhat disappointed, but nodded and returned to her world. Lucy sighed and headed back to her room with Natsu. When they arrived, Lucy and Natsu got into bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

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