Chapter 7

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Mira's activities

"First activity will be truth or dare!" Mira clapped and cheered. The group just sweat dropped.

"I didn't know we were twelve," Gray laughed. Mira turned to him with tears in her eyes. She started crying and Levy went to comfort her

"Nice job Gray! You made Mira cry! Again!" Lucy looked at the panicked Gray.

"M-Mira I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. L-Let's play guys, come on!" Gray smiled nervously. Mira calmed down and smiled. She nodded and started the game.

"Alright then... Romeo! Truth or dare?"

"U-umm d-dare I guess?"

"I dare you to pick someone and throw them into the water!"

Romeo looked at Wendy and smirked. He picked her up and ran to the water. Wendy screamed until she was muted by the water. Romeo laughed and helped Wendy out of the water. He used his fire to warm her up.

"Sorry Wendy! But now it's... Juvia's turn! Truth or dare, Juvia," Romeo said.

"Juvia picks dare."

"I dare you to go 24 hours without speaking to Gray," Romeo snickered. Juvia's jaw dropped when she heard the dare.

"24 h-hours without s-speaking to G-Gray-Sama?" Tears started welling up in her eyes.

"You might not be able to talk to me, but we can still spend time together," Gray grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to himself. Juvia gazed into his eyes and smiled.

"Juvia is happy. Juvia picks Freed. Truth or Dare Freed?"

"I shall go with truth."

"Tell us who you like."

Freed blushed and scratched his head.

"I-I l-like... ilikebickslow!" He quickly muttered and blushed a deep shade of red. Although it was barely audible, everyone heard who he said. Bickslow looked at him with pink on his cheeks.

"Freed... ilikeyoutoo!" Bickslow did as Freed and turned away with his cheeks the shade of Erza's hair. Freed turned to him in awe. Before Bickslow had a chance to turn back to him, Freed hugged him. The group watched and cheered for the first ship of Mira's that sailed.

"U-umm Elfman truth or dare?"

"I pick dare like a real man!"

"Kiss Evergreen!"

Although Mira was the matchmaker, nobody shipped Elfgreen more than the rest of the Thunder Legion. Freed and Bickslow smirked to each other as Elfman nervously leaned down and kissed Evergreen on the cheek.

"I did it like a real man!"

Evergreen's blush turned into a sweat drop.

"Erza truth or dare! Pick like a real man!"

"Enough with the man stuff Elfman! Erza isn't even a man!" Evergreen smacked Elfman.


"If you could have been roommates with anybody who would it be?" Elfman asked. Evergreen helped him come up with it.

  Erza blushed and looked at the ground.

"J-Jellal..." Erza stuttered. Mira smiled. She was excited to surprise Erza with his appearance.

"Lucy! Truth or dare?"


"Which celestial spirit is your favorite?"

Lucy was horrified. She loved all of her spirits. They were all loved equally. It would be hard for her to pick one.

"I love all of them! But l-let me think... I-I guess if I had to pick a favorite... it would be... Virgo. But I love all of my celestial spirits so much!" Lucy clarified.

"Anyways, Natsu! Truth or dare?"

Natsu looked up at Lucy.

"Hmm... I'll go with dare Luce!"

"Hehehe alright. I dare you to kiss someone! You can choose who! But the only rule is they have to be a girl!" Lucy said.

"I want him to kiss me," She thought to herself, "But I know he doesn't like me like that."

Lucy was too deep in thought to look at Natsu's reaction. He blushed profusely and looked at the ground. He knew who he was going to kiss, but he wasn't sure that Lucy would be okay with it.

"Go on Natsu!" Mira looked at him and winked. This only made him blush harder.

"F-fine," Natsu muttered. He quickly leaned over and gave Lucy a peck on the cheek. Lucy immediately turned red. She was shocked. Mira fainted.

"H-He k-kissed m-me? Oh my Mavis! He probably only kissed me because he had to kiss someone. It didn't mean anything to him."

"Mira! Truth or dare!"

She looked up at Natsu.


"I dare you to kiss someone! Ha! Has to be a boy!" Natsu was proud of his dare. Mira frowned. Although Lucy said the dare originally, Natsu knew it was all part of Mira's plan to get them together with this activity. She sighed and gave a quick peck to Laxus. He simply smiled as Mira blushed and looked away.

"N-next activity!" Mira announced, "Follow me! We're gonna head to the pool inside for this one!"

Everyone stood and followed Mira to the pool. Once they arrived, she told them the next activity.

"So everyone is going to partner up with their roomie! Then we're going to have a chicken fight tournament! The winner gets a nice breakfast buffet for free tomorrow!"

Natsu was extremely ready for this. Not only was it a competition, but if he won he got free food. Natsu grabbed Lucy and ran to the pool.

"We gotta win Luce!" Lucy just rolled her eyes and smiled at him. Everyone else got into the pool and got on their partners shoulders. Everyone except Erza, however.

"Kinana isn't here s-so I don't have my roommate to participate with," Erza frowned and watched as the others prepared for the tournament.

"Yes you do," A voice spoke from behind her.

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