Chapter 9

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It was 8 in the morning, and Natsu and Lucy were still fast asleep. Natsu held Lucy close to himself. Lucy faces him and rested against his warm, bare chest. Their legs were entangled with each other's.

Natsu was the first to wake. He stirred and slowly opened his eyes. He looked down to see he was holding Lucy tight. He smiled and released her, so he could get up and ready for the free buffet they won the night before. He went to get up but Lucy grabbed him.

"Don't get up yet," She spoke.

"B-But Lucy th-"

"It can wait. Now come back you're very warm," She asked softly. Natsu couldn't help but smile and lay back down. Lucy rested against his body and embraced his warmth once more.

They stayed like this for 15 minutes before finally getting up. Lucy stretched and leaped out of bed. She grabbed her outfit for the day and headed to the bathroom.

While Lucy changed in the bathroom, Natsu quickly changed in the room. He was extremely excited for the feast he was about to experience. The bathroom door opened, and the blonde wizard looked at the dragon slayer.

"Now come on! Let's go pig out!" She grabbed his hand and lead him to the room Mira said the free buffet was. It was on the first floor, so they ran down the seven flights of stairs to the room.

Once they entered the room, they were immediately greeted by the smell of delicious food. They looked at each other with joy. They walked over to the food. There were omelets, pancakes, waffles, crêpes, and many more delicacies. They quickly grabbed a plate full of food and got to work.

Natsu finished his plate instantly and went back for seconds, then thirds, then fourths, then fifths. Lucy was happy with just one plate of wonderful food. They were too busy shoving their mouths full of food to talk to each other.

When they were done, they smiled and walked back to their room very slowly. The seven flights of stairs were Hell after the meal they ate. When they got back to their room, they instantly laid down and fell into a food coma.

"That was the best food I've ever eaten," Lucy spoke.

"It wasn't the best food I've ever had, but it was the most food I've ever had. Personally I prefer your cooking," Natsu grinned.

Lucy blushed and smiled back to him. They sat in peaceful silence. Natsu was deep in thought. He was pondering whether or not he should ask Lucy out on a date.

"If I did ask her, where would I take her? Where would she want to go? How would I ask her without making a full of myself?"

He looked over at Lucy and saw that she fell asleep. Natsu replayed a memory in his head.

You know she likes you back, right? Make the move on the trip. If you need any help let me know.

"That's it! I'll ask Mira for help!" He got up and walked to Mira's room. It was on the same floor as his, so it didn't take long. When he reached room 715, he knocked on the door and waited. The door opened to reveal Laxus.

"Oi Laxus! Is Mira here?" Natsu asked.

"She went down to the beach to help Jellal with something. You should find her there."

"Aye sir! Arigatou!" Natsu quickly turned and ran to the stairs. Laxus just smiled and closed the door.

Once Natsu made it to the beach, he looked for the white haired girl. He spotted her next to Jellal, having a conversation with him. As he walked up to them, Jellal nodded at Mira and started to walk away. He noticed Natsu and waved.

Natsu waved back and headed over to Mira.

"Good morning Natsu! Is there something I can help you with?" Mira looked at him and smiled.

"A-aye! You said if I needed help asking Lucy out th-" He was interrupted by a squealing Mira, "Of course! You came to the right girl! I have the perfect idea for you guys! There's a amusement park right down the street from the hotel! And don't worry about motion sickness on the rides. All the rides have lacrimas so dragon slayers don't get motion sick on them! How does that sound?" Mira was so happy that Natsu turned to her for help.

"That sounds great, Mira! We'll go tomorrow! Arigato!" Before Mira could say another word to him he ran back to the hotel.

He rushed up the stairs and went into his room. Lucy was still sleeping peacefully. He smiled and laid down next to her. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. She gladly snuggled up to him. They both never wanted it to end.

The two's second day at the beach was a lazy day. They simply laid in bed and stayed in. Never once were they not smiling.

Coincidentally, most of the others also had a lazy day. Except for Jellal. He was planning something big for Erza. That's why he was talking to Mira earlier on the beach.

He was finally going to confess his feelingsto Erza. Mira gave him the great idea of taking her to a dance. Mira knew that although Erza was tough and wore armor, she also had a sweet, girly side that loved dressing up and dancing.

The resort was having a dance to celebrate the resort's twentieth anniversary. Everyone staying at the hotel was invited. It was the perfect date. After talking to Mira and waving to Natsu, he went back to his room to ask Erza be his date to the dance.

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