8- Divorce

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Becas POV
Okay... here we go. Once I walk through this door everything becomes real. I slowly opened the door to where our divorce lawyer is. I see Chloe already sitting on a couch looking nervous.
"Uh hi." I say awkwardly sitting next to Chloe.
"Ms Mitchell." He said nodding his head. "I understand that we just need to go over belongings before you sign the papers, correct?"
"Uh yes." I say fiddling with the rings on my fingers.
"Alright let's start with the house." He said looking at his papers.
"Chloe can have it." I say quickly. "She liked it more than me when we were looking so it's only fair."
"Okay... that was easier than expected." He said shifting in his seat. "Now the car."
"Beca should have it." Chloe said gesturing to me. "She's more of a car person than me."
"Wow okay. You both are very easy to work with." He said writing something down. "Finally your child. Since she is so young we can't split custody. So who will be having full custody?"
"I'll take her." We both said at the same time.
"Okay no." I say lifting my finger up. "I have been taking the most care of her through all of this. I should get custody."
"She's my kid. You didn't carry her for nine months." Chloe said getting defensive.
"She's my fucking kid too!" I yelled now standing up.
"She doesn't have any of your blood!" Chloe said doing the same. "She is my kid and will live with me!"
"It's not my fault I don't have a dick!" I say completely loosing it. "If science has a way to take two eggs to make a kid I would!"
"I don't care about science Beca!" Chloe said on the brink of tears. "She's the only one in my family who hasn't betrayed me so she stays!"
I took a deep breath before giving in. "Fine... you can have custody."
"Thank you." Chloe mumbled before sitting back down.
"That's a couples normal reaction to this process just so you know." He said before placing a paper in front of us. "Just sign here and it's done."
Chloe was the first to grab the pen. She hesitated before scribbling down her signature. She handed me the pen without making eye contact. I grabbed it and slowly signed my name. It's officially over. Me and Chloe civilly shook hands before she walked away. I stood there for a minute... like a real true minute jut watching her leave. I probably looked crazy but I didn't care. The love of my life just walked away. I eventually got enough will power to move my feet and take me to my car. I drove to the studio. Where else am I supposed to go?
"Hey Beca. I thought you weren't coming in today?" Theo said as I walked through the door.
"Yeah well here I am." I said in a glum tone. "I'll be in my office if I'm needed."
Before he could say anything I was already gone. I immediately grabbed my guitar and just started playing. I figured this is a better copping method than other ways I had in mind. I was brought out of my little bubble by a timid voice.
"Uh... hi Beca." I looked up and saw what was her name... Lily! She's one of Chloe's students.
"Hey dude. What are you doing here? Don't you have homework or something?" I asked slightly laughing.
"Well... we came to talk to you about Ms Beale." Rose said popping her head through the door.
"Uh... what about her?" I asked swallowing the lump in my throat.
"Well you said we remind you of Bechloe." Lily said using our ship name. "And well if you two can't survive turning a platonic relationship to a romantic one then... what hope do we have?"
"Well you two aren't us." I say shrugging. "So why does it matter?"
"You're our role models." Rose stated simply. "So we would like to help you win back our teacher."
"Yeah, I don't think that's going to work." I say bitting my lip "I really fucked up."
"If you play your cards right it will." Lily said smirking.
"I'm listening."
Chloe's POV
"Why the hell did I do that!" I yelled as I paced Aubrey's living room. "Maybe I can still fix it?"
"Maybe. I mean you don't really want Jenni to grow up without another parent do you?" Aubrey said giving me a sympathetic look.
"No way. Beca cheated on you." Stacie said getting defensive. "Why would you want to go back to that?"
"Stacie does have a point..." is ya trailing off.
"But you love her." Aubrey countered.
"So do you." I say starting to feel overwhelmed. "This is to much to think about right now."
Aubrey's POV
Chloe is miserable! I hate seeing my best friend like this. I bet Beca has an explanation for what she did... at least I hope she does. I'm sitting outside her office coming up with a plan. I'm not normally this impulsive.
"We need to talk." I say sternly once I entered her room. There are two kids here.
"Do you mind? I'm kinda busy right now." Beca said pointing to them. "We can talk later."
"Uh no. We talk now." I say trying to sound as I did when I ran the Bellas. "Why did you cheat on Chloe?"
"I was being petty... I thought she cheated on me so I wanted to settle the score." She said quietly. "As soon as I kissed her I felt awful."
"Thank god you have a reason." I say letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "So how are you going to get her back?"
"That's actually what we were talking about." One of the kids said. "I'm rose by the way. Ms Beale is our teacher."
"Yup, and I'm Lily." The other said giving me a small wave.
"I'm sorry did you guys come from a time machine? You look a lot like Beca and Chloe in high school." I say looking at them weirdly. "You two are dating right?"
"Uh yeah." Rose said giggling. "Now I think you could be very valuable to our plan."
"I agree with that." Lily said smirking.
"So General... you in?" Beca asked using my old nickname she gave me in high school.
"I'm in... but this doesn't mean I like you." I say giving her a pointed look. "I'm only doing this for Chloe."

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