4- Duets

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Chloe's POV
     It been about three weeks since I sent out the duet assignments. I still have no idea what instrument Lily plays but Rose sounded pretty confident this morning.
     "Alright today you all have to be in your best behavior." I say in a stern voice. "We have a guest today."
     Rose quickly raised her hand before speaking. "But Mrs Mitchell aren't our projects due today?"
     "Yes they are. I wanted to participate too so I found myself my own partner." I say smiling. "So without further ado please welcome Beca Mitchell!"
     The entire classroom gasped even at the mention of her name so as soon as she walked in there was several people yelling, and a few people fainted. I instantly winced at the noise level.
      "Everyone please quiet down. There are other classes in progress." I say trying to silence them.
     Beca simply held up her hand and they all went silent. I just looked at her with my mouth wide open. Why don't thy listen to me like that!
     "You okay Chlo?" Beca asked with a smirk.
     "Who's Chlo?" Rose questioned once again.
     "Rose raise you hand when you ask questions." I say being quick to scold. "And that's none of your business."
     "Oh right you're a teacher here." Beca said going over and hopping on top of my desk. "I'm supposed to call you Mrs Mitchell."
     "Please stop talking." I say looking down at my feet.
     "So this Chlo person is Mrs Mitchell?" Lily was Now the one asking questions.
     "Yup." Beca said popping the p. "Her full name though is Chloe. That's just a nickname I gave her during high school."
     "Wow you even went to high school with Mrs Mitchell." Derick one of my male students said. "That's insane dude."
     "We've actually been dating since high school." Beca said winking at Lily who instantly went into a small panic. Beca definitely knows.
     "Okay before you can say anything else that looses me respect I'm going to start the projects." I say quickly going to stand next to Beca. "Who would like to start?"
     No one made a move to raise there hand. I waited a few minutes. Still nothing. I was about to choose someone but Beca beat me to it.
     "Why not the kid with the headphones." Beca casually suggests. "I don't know who her partner is though."
     "Good choice ba-Beca." I said quickly stopping myself from saying baby. "Why don't you and Rose go first."
     "Fine." Lily mumbled before walking over to the piano and gesturing to Rose to speak.
     "We are going to be doing a piano arrangement of Arms by well Beca Mitchell." Rose said with an easy smile.
     "Well shit. Do we have to find a new song now?" Beca asked turning to look at me.
     "Beca you cant swear in my classroom." I say glaring. "And no we don't because we aren't using a piano so it's different."
     "Wait you guys can't swear?" She asked looking at the class earning several different forms of no. "Well that's boring."
     I quickly slapped her arm before gesturing for the two to start. Lily timidly started pressing down the keys. Then Rose started singing.
I never thought that You would be the one to hold my heart
But you came around
And you knocked me off the ground from the start
You put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
You put your arms around me and I'm home
How many times will let you me change my mind and turn around
I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown
I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home
The world is coming down on me
And I can't find a reason to be loved
I never wanna leave you
But I can't make you bleed if I'm alone
You put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home
I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth
And I've never opened up
I've never truly loved 'till you put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home
You put your arms around me and I'm home
Once the final notes were played they entire class clapped. Beca was just smirking. She's going to mess with them.
"You know normally if I hear people singing my songs they have to ether sing it as good if not better." Beca said with a serious face. "That my friends was definitely better."
"Why would you do that to them." I say once again hitting her.
"Did you see there faces!" Beca said trying to defend herself. "But on a completely different note how long have you two been dating?"
"Beca!" I say putting my hand over her mouth. "They aren't dating! I'm never bringing you to school again."
"Well I'm sorry but can you blame me?" Beca asked shrugging. "Rose reminds me a lot of you and Lily is very similar to me. And Rose looks at Lily the way you look at me and the same goes for Lily. It's love."
"Okay you're done talking." I say trying to save lily from embarrassment. "How about Derrick and levy go next."
"Wait do we really remind you of you and Chloe?" Rose asked Beca hopefully.
"Yeah I mean if that shits not love then I don't know what is." Beca said confidently.
"Well in that case." Rose grabbed Lily's face, kissed her, then ran out of the room.
"What the fuck just happened?" Lily asked in utter shock.
"I'm not even going to get mad at you for swearing." I said slightly nodding. "You should run after her."
"Oh right!" She said before leaving the class.
"Once again my song created another wonderful couple." Beca said hopping off of my desk. "I'm awesome."
"Who was the other couple?" Levy asked. We definitely aren't getting any work done.
"Does anyone here know who I wrote the song for?" Beca asked walking to the front of the class. All of the kids shook their head. Rude. "Well I wrote it for a very special girl named Chloe."
"Wait So Arms is about Mrs Mitchell? No way." One of my girl students said.
"Yes way." Beca shot back. "Happier was also about her as well."
"But that's about a break up." Right when Beca was about to say something the bell rang signaling the end of class.
"Alright everyone be prepared to preform your songs tomorrow." I said as they were all cleaning up. "I'll see you all then."
"They all seem nice." Beca said once the class was empty.
"You're very distracting did you know that." I say hopping up on my desk.
"That was my point. No one really seemed ready so I wanted to give them another day." Beca said smirking standing between my legs.
"Oh my god. Your so evil." I say placing my hands around her neck. "They've had three weeks if they weren't ready they were supposed to suffer."
"Guess I'm just nicer than you." Beca said pecking my lips. "When's your next class?"
"In two periods. Why?" I asked furrowing my brows.
"Perfect." Beca said smirking before sweeping down to capture my lips with her own.

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