2- Get It Out

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Chloe's POV
I am eight months pregnant and I'm over it. It was fun at first but now it's not so fun. We decided to wait to know the gender until they're born. We both still think it's going to be a girl. So we may or may not be referring to it as Jenni. Aubrey says we shouldn't in case it's a boy. But I mean if it is he might just be trans one day and that's fine. We'll still love him or her the same.
"Get it out." I wine as I cuddled into Becas side. "She keeps on kicking my bladder."
"I'm sorry baby." Beca said kissing my forehead. "Only two more weeks."
"But that seems like forever away." I continued wine. "Anyway, what are you doing?"
"Well I was writing a song but talking to you is more fun." She said putting away her notebook. "I mean I get to hang out with two awesome people."
"You're so weird." I say giggling. "Now these two awesome people are hungry. Can you make spaghetti?"
"I guess." Beca said with a playful smile. "You need to let me get up though."
"Only for the food." I say sitting up and following Beca into the kitchen. "Thank you so much for everything you've done from me."
"You're the most welcome." Beca said giving me a soft kiss. "Now do you want to help me make the food?"
"I would love to but I need to pee." I say before running to the bathroom.
When I went back to the kitchen Beca was dancing to music she put on while stirring some sauce. I couldn't help but laugh when she did a little spin.
"Holy shit!" She yelled after she jumped. "How much of that did you see?"
"I really don't understand how you still get embarrassed." I say putting some noddles on a plate. "We're married and have weird dance party's all the time."
"That's different." Beca grumbled sitting at the counter.
"How?" I asked still laughing only to be shut up by a forkful of spaghetti.
"Just eat the damn pasta." Beca said pretending to be mad.
Becas POV
"She could be here any day!" I say jumping in the bed Chloe was laying on.
"Don't call her she. You know how much Bree hates it." Chloe said with a giggle. "I can't wait to meet her."
"What if she hates me?" I suddenly asked.
"She won't hate you." Chloe said almost immediately. "How could she? You talk to her several times a day."
"She probably will think I'm annoying then." I deadpanned.
"No she won't." Chloe said softly kissing me before suddenly pulling away.
"What? Are you okay?" I asked suddenly getting worried.
"Um... my water just broke." Chloe said with a straight face.
"Are you serious?" I asked earning a nod. "Oh my god. Okay let's get you to the car then."
     We made our way to the car as quickly as possible with me grabbing our bags. I speed over to the hospital only going five over the speed limit.
     "You're Okay still right?" I checked nice Chloe was laying down on a hospital bed.
     "Well besides the terrible contractions I'm doing great." Chloe said trying to smile through the pain.
     "Alright lady's," The doctor said walking into the room. "Seems like we're almost ready to push."
     "Oh my god, we're going to be parents." Chloe said realizing the weight of the situation.
     "I'm so excited." I say jumping up and down. "Okay I'm calm."
     "Alright everything is ready for you to start pushing." The doctor said with a smile.
     Chloe instantly grabbed my hand right when she started pushing. I slightly winced in pain at the pressure. Damn why does she have to be so strong!
     "Alright you're doing great." The doctor said with an encouraging smile. "Just a few more."
      A few large pushes and screams later we heard a baby cry. Oh my god... we have a fucking child.
     "Well Mrs Mitchell looks like you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl." The doctor said handing Chloe a tiny baby.
     "Oh god I'm gonna cry." Chloe said looking down at the little bundle. "Hi little Jenni."
     "What color are her eyes?" I asked leaning over to look at her tiny face.
     "Why is that your first question?" Chloe asked giggling before kissing my cheek. "And besides... I don't know. She hasn't opened her eyes yet."
     As soon as those words left her lips Jenni opened her eyes. They were bright blue just like Chloe's. I smiled widely at the action.
     "Can I hold her now?" I asked with my smile never fading."
     "Yes." Chloe said softly. "Just don't drop her."
     "I'm not going to." I say playfully glaring at her before Chloe handed me the baby. "She's perfect. You did good."
     "No we did good." Chloe corrected.
     "I had no part in making her. That still isn't possible." I said causing Chloe to hit my stomach.
     "You made sure we were both happy and healthy. Therefore we did good." Chloe said smugly.
     "You're impossible." I mumbled before softly tickling Jenni.
     "I'm sorry but I have to take our daughter back." Chloe said apologetically.
     "What? No, I just got her." I complained kissing her forehead.
     "Yes but you need to go tell people That we both lived." Chloe said taking her back in her arms.
     "Fine." I let out a large sigh before I left the room.
     I walked into the waiting room and was meet with two dads and a mom and our group of friends. They all looked at me expectingly before Charlie spoke up.
     "How did it go? Is it a boy or girl?" He asked with a wide Beale smile.
     "It went great. Chloe gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl." I said smiling before I was tackled in a hug by  Cindy.
"I'm a grandma!" She shouted excitedly before moving to hug Charlie. "We're both grandparents!"
"Oh god. They're going to start crying aren't they?" I asked my dad who put his arm around me.
"They are Beales after all." He said giving my shoulder a tight squeeze. "Congratulations."
"Can I meet her?" Stacie asked standing up to give me a hug.
"Yes. You all can. So let's go." I say turning on my heals to lead the group to the hospital room.

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