Chapter 6

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Everything went black around me, while I tried to reach out and grab Natsu. But an almost invisible force was holding me back. When the room lit up again, I wasn't in town. I was in an old room with stone walls. There was a bed in the corner, and a nightstand sat beside it. Everything was silent and I was completely alone. My hand instictively went for my keys, which luckily were still attatched to my waistband. I grabbed Loke's key and attempted to summon him, only to have nothing happen. The walls flashed slightly and script magic faded into view.

"Lucy Heart- I mean Dragneel." The voice of Sting Eucliffe rang through the stone room. I looked around frantically, not seeing anyone.

"Why am I here?!" I shouted, continuing to eye the room. Suddenly, I saw the shadows in the room bend and twist before a large black mass began to form. The air became thicker while a silohette grew from the darkness. Soon enough, a man with dark, shaggy hair was glaring at me from the same corner. I immediately reconized him as Rogue, Sting's partner. A smirk grew on his face as he approached me. I backed up, but connected with the cold, hard wall behind me.

"You're an attractive one..." Rogue whispered, caging me against the wall with his arms. I tried my best not to kick him in the crotch. He may be good looking but he sure as hell doesn't compare to Natsu.

That's when I realized I was unable to talk to Natsu.

"That's a very powerful script magic you've got protecting this room." I commented while looking for a way to get Rogue off of me.

"Now, get off me." I growled, deciding to force him off. I shoved him roughly, which thankfully caused him to stumble backwards. I stepped away from him and went to sit on the bed.

"Why am I here?" I asked again. Rogue just watched me from the wall he was leaning up against. About a foot away from his body, the wall began to shimmer and ripple, before Sting himself stepped in.

Oh joy...

"The same reason you've been the number one subject for kidnapping in the last week. Because of Natsu." Sting smirked evilly before walking towards me. I glared at him and stood up, marching to the opposite side of the room.

"You guys are Dragon Slayers, too. So why would you want Natsu's power?"

"Actually, we don't want his power. We just want him out of the way. And once we're finished with him, we'll sell his body to someone who does want that power. 'Cause we know that any normal wizard that hasn't been trained by a dragon can't handle that power, so they'll end up dead the minute they're exposed to it." Rogue chuckled while Stong continued to grin at their plan.

"So this is all for an ego boost?!" I shouted, trying to control the anger that was boiling up inside of me. I wanted so badly to pound these jerks into the concrete, but I was powerless against them both.

Rogue chuckled again. "I guess you could say that."

Then without thinking, my fist connected with the Shadow Dragon Slayer's jaw, sending his head back into the hard wall behind him. Sting was immediately in front of me, pressing me hard against the wall.

"I'd watch it. Remember that when you die, your precious Natsu dies too. Don't think we won't take the easy way out to kill him if we have to." Sting warned, holding my wrists tightly to the wall. Rogue was holding his jaw behind Sting, while sending me a harsh glare.

"Lets go, Sting." Rogue mumbled, walking through the wall. Sting smirked before quickly sinking his teeth into my neck. A scream tore out of my throat as a seering pain ran through my body. I fell to the floor, grabbing my neck. Sting laughed darkly before leaving me alone.

My vision became blurry while the pain got worse. That's when I heard him, faintly.

Lucy?! Lucy what's going on?! Where are you?! LUCY!

And everything went black.


Natsu was furious beyond comprehension. He had somehow made it to the guild, only to break down and start screaming. He had smashed and demolished most of the tables and chairs in the guild. No one had tried to stop him, though.

Once he had finally calmed down enough, Erza asked what was going on. That only seemed to add fuel to the fire, though.

"Those bastards took Lucy..." Natsu growled, gripping the wood of the bar in front of him. The wood began to split under his tight grip.

"Who?" Erza asked, looking him dead in the eye, while her own fury began to rise.

"Rogue and Sting..." Those two names were enough for the whole guild to errupt in chaos. Makarov was shouting orders to different teams, who would be on search for Lucy. Erza was planning on how she would torture the Dragon Slayers once she got ahold of them. Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus and Natsu would lead the search parties, starting from where she had disappeared.

A little bit of hope began to rise in Natsu.

Until a sharp pain in his neck sent him to his knees. Wendy was by him immediately, asking what was wrong. But all of the noise around him seemed to fade away as Lucy's scream filled his head. His eyes were wide and his fists were clenched.

And not once in his life had he tried so hard to contact her. Somehow, he just had to figure out what was hurting his mate so he could kill the nuisance.

When all he heard was silence, panic began to rush through his body.

"I have to find her..." He muttered, struggling to stand on his feet. Wendy took a few small steps back and looked at him with sorrow.

He burst out of the guild doors, Laxus, Gajeel and Wendy all behind him. Erza, Gray, Juvia and Team Shadow Gear were after them. The entire guild of Fairy Tail rushed through the tight streets of Magnolia towards the train station.

After cramming into the small train car, everything went silent. The members were pressed up against one another, and breathing was hard.

"Probably not one of our best ideas." Gray commented, his face squished against the window. Erza groaned beside him. The train pulled out from the station, and on cue, four loud thumps sounded from the end of the car. Everyone turned their necks to see the Dragon Slayers all on the ground, groaning in discomfort.

"Never fails..." Makarov said, sitting on Natsu's back.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the lengendary Dragon Slayers of Fairy Tail." Mira added, a dissapointed smile growing on her lips. Everyone chuckled before it went silent again.

After the terrible train ride, the guild members flooded into the streets of the small town where Lucy had been taken. Natsu brought everyone to the spot where Rogue had captured her.

Master Makarov once again began to send out orders to the teams. Soon enough, all the teams had departed except for the HQ team and Natsu's.

Warren was to keep in touch with everyone, and so was Cana. Makao was head of HQ defense, just incase someone decided to attack.

"Got it!" Wendy shouted. Everyone turned their eyes to her. Wendy's eyes were closed in concentration, but she looked determined.

"It's faint, but I can smell where Sting had left."

The team headed off in the direction of Sting's scent, which began to grow stronger and stronger. They followed it until they arrived at a large metal gateway, where the Sabertooth guild logo was proudly displayed. In front of the gate, stood their obstacle.

The entire guild, itself.

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