Chapter 8

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"What?!" Everyone shouted, eyes wide with shock.

"I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" Natsu roared from below the guild.

Makarov sighed and shook his head. "Curse that boy and his extraordinary hearing..." Just then, Freid came bounding up the stairs, a frantic look spread across his face. The group turned their gazes to him.

"Natsu has escaped."

No one had ever seen the three move so fast in their life.

About thirty minutes had passed of Wendy examining Lucy, while trying to find some other way to remove the toxin. But as she kept on searching, the chances began to get more and more slim. "No..." Wendy whispered, her expression changing to a determined one. "I will not give up on Lucy and Natsu! Not yet." So, the small girl worked her heart out in trying to find a cure, or some way to neutralize the toxin. When she was about to think that all hope was lost, a hand rested on her shoulder.

Wendy's head snapped towards the person standing behind her. The blue haired dragon slayer visibly relaxed as she sat down in the chair beside Lucy's bed. Porlyusica smiled softly at Wendy before moving towards Lucy. "What do you know so far?" She asked.

"Well... Lucy has been bitten by Sting Eucliffe and because she is already mated, a toxin has been released into her body. It won't kill her... But the toxin is affecting Lucy's hormones. When she wakes up she will be very irritated with a sexual attraction and need that can only be satisfied by Sting... And as you probably know, if she is unable to get that want fulfilled within a few days, the toxin will start attacking her cells and..." Wendy broke off as tears threatened to spill over her cheeks. She took in a deep breath. "Lucy will die." A strained sob was released from the girl before she buried her face in her hands.

The pink haired woman looked down and sighed before beginning her own examination on the blonde.

Sabertooth Guild (What's left of it)...

Sting and Rogue returned from their quest to find one of the biggest shocks of their lives.

"What happened here?!" Sting asked, looking around at the crumbled guild hall. Orga stood up from the ground and brushed himself off before turning to Sting.

"What the hell do you think happened?! Your little girlfriend attracted her stupid mate here and he and his friends destroyed our guild hall! Now you're going to rebuild it!" He shouted, poking Sting in the chest with more force than necessary. Sting stumbled slightly before shoving off the man's finger.

"It's not my fault you guys can't hold your own against those weaklings." A smirk spread across the blonde's face as he dodged a punch thrown by his guild mate.

Minerva stood up from the chair she was sitting in and approached the two dragon slayers. "If they're so weak, why did you have to resort to kidnapping the girl, when you could've just taken Natsu down at the beginning?" Sting's expression changed and he looked away from the woman, annoyed with her intrusion. Rogue sighed from beside the blonde before speaking up.

"We wanted to have some fun with it before finishing him." Sting's face lit up and he faced his guild mates once again, while pointing an accusing finger at them.

"Yeah! That's why! So Ha!" Minerva shook her head at the young boy before turning around and walking away.

"I'd say killing someone without doing unnecessary things is just as fun." She muttered, leaving the guild. Orga grunted before leaving as well.

The twin dragon slayers spent a good two hours cleaning up and planning on how to get Lucy back. Sting was in the middle of lifting a large piece of stone when someone crashed into his back. The force of the tackle threw Sting through the large chunk of stone, causing it to smash to pieces. After a moment, the blonde pulled himself off the ground and glared at the all too familiar head of pink hair that stood before him.

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