Chapter 5

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After locking up the evil man, Natsu and I returned to our home. A good few days passed with no interesting things happening. The ablaze bed surprises were over, and so far Natsu seemed to have good control over his power. I guess there was only one bad part to the week.

Everyday, I was asked to be kidnapped.

For example:A knock on our door shot Natsu and I out of bed. We trudged to the door and pried it open to reveal a short and chubby man with a goatee and mustache staring at us. He put on a 'nice' smile and tilted his

head to the side.

"Mrs. Heartf-" Natsu coughed dramatically. The man stopped and quirked an eyebrow before realization hit him.

"My apologies. Mrs. Dragneel, I was wondering if I could possibly... borrow you for a few days?"

Talk about awkward. I just stood there and stared at him while Natsu was laughing.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, leaning against the door frame, trying not to fall asleep. Chubby man sighed and scratched his bald head before continuing.

"I need to kidnap you. My boss' orders. So, can I?"

After that I slammed the door in his face and went back to sleep. Occurrences like that happened about three times after. What kind of villains are they? The kind ones? Wow, Happy is more intimidating. And THAT'S saying something.

I was sitting on the couch, the TV blaring in front of me. But, being me, I was paying no attention. The elegant rug was far more interesting. Natsu had gone to the guild to talk to Makarov about something. I had no interest what so ever, so I just stayed home. He had made it pretty obvious I could survive just about anyhting now. So if the house blew up I'd be totally fine! No mental injuries or anything...

At least try and stay sane while I'm gone.


Another knock sounded at the door. Groaning, I shoved a pillow over my face.

"Go away!" I screamed, slumping onto the cushions behind me. The knock rang through the house again, but more aggressive this time. Sighing, I stood up and walked over to the door. After pulling it open, reluctantly, I eyed the handsome man before me.

"Why, hello there." I smirked, leaning against the door frame and acting cool. What? Just because I'm married doesn't mean I can't be sexy for others.

Yes it does...

The man showed off a gorgeous smirk himself before clearing his throat.

"Hello, lovely. I am Sting Eucliffe, head of Sabertooth real estate. From the information I have gathered, this house does not show up on our records. Therefor, you are violating the no trespassing law and I am going to have to ask you to leave now and pay for the land you are trespassing on at a later date. Now, if you'll come with me-"

As he was reaching for my arm, I stepped back and glared.

"Now, you may be hot. But I'm not stupid. We get the bill for this house from Magnolia Real Estate, not Sabertooth. And also, I know who you are. The famous White Dragon Slayer, Sting. You're the dumb fuck who thinks he can replace my husband." I stepped closer to his now pale face that had a look of shock plastered on. Our faces were inches apart.

"Let me tell you this, buddy," I poked his chest, causing him to wince and stumble backwards. It was then I noticed my hand was engulfed in flames.. again. But I continued to advance towards him. His determined expression turned to fearful and shocked in a second, and we was trying to keep a safe distance away.

"I want you off of this land in the next five minutes or else. You will not accuse me or Natsu of anything, especially at this time. He is way better than you'll ever be, got that? Now, get your pathetic ass out of my sight now, or else I will find your little organization, and I will fucking kill you all."

You tell him, Lucy.

It helped that I also happened to be on my period at the time. Weird, I know. But hey, he was pissing me off.

Once he scurried out of sight, I was about to close the door when something wrapped around my legs. I peered down and noticed an almost transparent shadow winding up my calf. Screeching, I jumped, but it only followed me.

"Hello, Lucy." A dark voice echoed. I stopped squirming and looked around.

"Who are you?!" I shouted as the shadow wound further around me. The mark Natsu had given me began to burn harshly. I winced and grabbed my side.

Hold on, Lucy. I'm coming!

I'll try...

The burning became intense, though. I almost screamed, especially when I was engulfed in flames. The shadow seemed effected as well and retracted quickly. Taking off out the door, I ran towards the path that lead to town. I'd have to meet Natsu half way.

Yes... My death threats are empty. So empty, in fact, that it impresses me. The flames had died out after a few minutes but the searing pain in my side never left. That's the downside to it. But before I could touch the pavement, the shadow wrapped around my entire boy tightly. I couldn't even scream before it was covering my mouth. I know, weird how I can't scream through a shadow... Don't ask.

But hope rose in me as I saw the all to familiar head of bright pink hair racing towards me. His face was etched with concern and determination. I attempted to reach out, but I couldn't. My body was being pulled back into the forest, towards a dark figure that I could not make out.

"Rogue!!" Natsu screamed, launching at me. The last thing I heard was a dark chuckle before it all went black.

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