Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Lucy Is The Only One Who Can Do That!


I watched the battle before me with wide eyes. I was trying to think of what I should do, but nothing came to mind. If Natsu is losing, what can I do?! Die?! I'd rather not, thank you very much. I could ask Erza, but she's way ahead of me. She's actually already forming a battle squad to intervene.

I gasped in fear and anger when Natsu got punched in the face and was sent flying to the ground. Instinctively, I ran over to him and helped him up. I turned and glared at the laughing man with the mask. He was standing about twenty feet from us and was keeled over. I growled and let go of Natsu. He fell back onto the ground with a thud, but I didn't care at the moment. The man saw me and stopped laughing.

"What are you gonna do, girly? Spray me with perfume? Ahahaha!!!" He asked mockingly. I smirked darkly, stopping a few inches from his face.

"You're gonna wish that's what I did when I'm done with you." I whispered before slamming my fist into his gut. He flew backwards and landed hard on the dirt. I stalked over over and glared.

"I'm the only one who gets to beat the shit out of Natsu, you got that?!" I screamed, crushing the man's hand under my foot. He hollered out in pain and tried to pull back his hand. I bent over and picked him up by his collar, setting him back onto his feet. Then, I uppercut him and sent him flying upwards.

I continued to beat the shit out him while Erza helped Natsu get up and Wendy healed him. The entire time I failed to notice that my hands had caught on fire. But I finally did notice when I was finished throwing punches at him and his clothes were burnt.

I screamed and shook my hands wildly, trying to extinguish the fire.


The masked man stood up and limped over to stand behind Lucy. He began to whisper words and his hands began to glow with a purple light. He drew his hand back, ready to slam it into the blonde's back. But he was stopped short when one of Lucy's flaming hands flew out towards him, connecting with his jaw. The purple glow disappeared and he fell onto his back, a new burn mark on his chin.

Lucy turned around at the feeling of her hand hitting something. She saw the man laying behind her, unconscious. She turned back to her friends, who were staring at her with wide eyes. A smile broke out onto her face and she raised her flaming arms into the air.

"Whoo!" She shouted, jumping up and down excitedly. Everyone else smiled as well before joining her in her cheering. Natsu was sitting on the ground with a bandage around his head and shoulder. He had on his signature smile and was watching his wife with happiness.

"Yeah! Lucy!" He shouted trying to stand up. Lucy smiled brightly over at him before entering a conversation with Levy. Natsu shakily stood up and hobbled over to her. When he reached the two girls, his legs gave out and he collapsed. Lucy reached out and caught him before he could reach the ground. She pulled him up to rest on her shoulder.

"Alright, Levy. I think it's time we went home. But I'll be sure to visit!" Lucy said, before heading out of the guild, Natsu still leaning on her shoulder.

I love you, Lucy.. You know that, right?

Yes... And, I'm sorry for reacting the way I did.

It's all good. I know it must've been weird because you're not as used to everything as I am.

A smile crept onto Lucy's face as she dragged the boy along to the train station.

Once the two were back at the house, Natsu went back to his old ways.

"So... How about a shower?" He smirked, causing Lucy to shake her head and sigh.

"No, Natsu. You need the shower more than I do. And, you're not in any condition to be messing around with me... Because I could punch you without hesitation." Lucy smiled innocently before disappearing into the kitchen and preparing herself some lunch. Natsu pouted his way into the bathroom and showered in sadness. When he was finished, he was greeted by the delightful smell of food. Instinctively, he ran out of the bathroom, naked, and into the kitchen.

A horrible choking sound came out of Lucy's throat as she accidentally inhaled some of her food. She spit out her mouthful and grabbed her throat. Occasionally she would punch her chest in an attempt to stop her choking. Finally realizing the situation, Natsu ran over to Lucy and performed the Heimlich maneuver. After a few seconds, Lucy regained oxygen and a normal breathing pattern.

"What," She gasped. "The hell. I could've died! Go put some pants on!" Lucy screamed, dumping the rest of her lunch into the trash. Talk about losing your appetite...

Reluctantly, Natsu walked into their room and slid on some boxers and shorts. When he came back out, Lucy was in the shower.

Why didn't you make me food? Now I'll have to punish you..

A loud thumping sound came from the bathroom, followed by a scream.

Meanwhile, in the shower...


My foot slid out from under me at that same moment and I screamed as I fell to the hard shower floor. Damn you Natsu... Grabbing my sore butt, I groaned and stood back up.

"Natsu!" I yelled, rage flowing through me. I heard a small chuckle before the bathroom door slammed open.

"Yes, my love?"

I couldn't be more angry... Not only had he made me fall on my ass, but he also decided that it was okay to walk in on me showering. Y'know, we have a glass shower door? I'm lucky it was slightly foggy, or else I'm pretty sure his 'inner animal' (as Natsu says) would've taken over yet again. And let me tell you, he's really the only one who enjoys those moments.

Okay... I do too... A little..

Then let's have one of those moments right now.


You were about to say yes, so I'll take it as one.

My shower door yanked open, revealing a smirking Natsu. I squealed and covered my naked-self. He only smirked more (if possible) and leaned in. After he picked me up, against my will for your information, he tossed me onto the bed.

How do I always end up in these situations?

Because you're sexy.

Oh yeah..

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