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Helloo there! So, I've gotten quite a few requests over the past few months. Like, a lot. "Please continue this story!" "I love this, one more chapter?" Guys, you know I love you, but c'mon. It was hard enough getting all 12 chapters out, and now you're asking for more?! Let me tell you this, ask as much as you want, I will not give in to your pleas. Never ever.



here's the chapter you've been asking for...

Natsu (or emphasis on words)


"What do you mean you're leaving?" Lucy asked, attempting to stand off the couch. Natsu smiled at her efforts before gently pushing her back into a seated position.

"It's only for a few days, Erza will be here to watch over you. Don't worry!" Natsu sent the girl a dazzling smile then slipped the straps of his bag over his shoulders.

"But you can't leave! I am sort of in a predicament because of you! Gajeel said I needed to be treated with care and this is what I get?!"

"C'mon, Lucy. You've said it a thousand times! You can take care of yourself. But just in case you can't, Erza will be here to help."

"You're going to leave me, the woman who is with child, alone with Erza?! The psycho who won't even let me bathe alone?! I feel betrayed." Lucy jutted out her lower lip and crossed her arms, turning away from her pink haired husband. The only real care she'd received was from Wendy and all the other females in the guild. Her pregnancy announcement was like candy for all of the men, just another reason to poke and prod at the fact that Lucy ended up with the Dragon Slayer. If she had it her way, Fairy Tail would be a female-only guild. Natsu just blamed it on the hormones.

Natsu rolled his eyes and approached her, carefully wrapping his arms around her waist.

You know I wouldn't leave if I didn't have to. I promise you I will be back as fast as I can, for you and the baby.

Lucy's shoulders relaxed as she unfolded her arms. Ever since she found out she was pregnant, Natsu's voice seemed to be the only thing that could relax her. Thankfully, his sex drive died down after he heard the news, and it was quickly replaced by possessiveness and violent outbursts whenever Lucy got hurt (which the only major injury she had suffered from was when she stubbed her toe while on a walk). Needless to say, that rock learned its lesson after Natsu nearly wiped out the entire city.

It was pretty funny.

"I am here to watch over Lucy." Erza announced, stepping into the house without bothering to knock. "Natsu, you can leave." Said man rolled his eyes and kissed his wife briefly, before bidding them farewell.

Erza stared at Lucy with a hard glare. The blonde fidgeted under the harsh gaze. She hadn't been out to Magnolia in a while, so the last time her and Erza had talked was about three months ago. "I-it's nice to see you." She said, smiling lightly. The redhead's eyebrows furrowed before she rushed over and (very carefully) squeezed Lucy in a hug.

The Fire Withinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें