Eating Fire

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Chapter One

Natsu and Lucy.... Dirty!


I sat happily on the couch, watching TV, while Natsu was in the kitchen trying to figure out how to use the microwave.

"What the hell is this?!" He shouted, slamming his palm onto the glass. I turned around and with an amused expression, watched him stare longingly at the bowl of left over soup sitting in the microwave.

"Why won't it work?" He pouted, pressing his forehead against the machine. Sighing, I stood up and walked into the kitchen where he was trying to figure out how to cook food. I shoved him out of the way, pressed the numbers and clicked start. I heard his small gasp from behind me, causing me to grin in satisfaction.

"You're amazing, Lucy! How did you do that?" He asked in bewilderment. I laughed before turning around and beginning to explain the wonders of a microwave.

"What you do is, as you know, put your food in the little thingy, then with the numbers, you put in the time, click start and you just wait! That's all there is to it... Natsu..." This time, I sighed. He hadn't even heard a word I had said, he was too busy staring at the bowl spin. Shaking my head, I walked into our bedroom to take a shower.

"Hey, where ya going?" Natsu yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm gonna take a shower!" I shouted back. That brought him out of his trance. Within a few seconds, he was in the room standing behind me, chuckling. He still hadn't really recovered from the whole 'find a mate' thing...

"Mind if I join?" He whispered, causing me to giggle slightly.

"Yes, I do mind actually. So go away, you can get in after me." I whispered back, poking him in the chest before escorting him out so I could continue with my plans.

"But!" Was all he got out before I slammed the door in his face.

Slumping my shoulders, I trudged into the bathroom. Flipping on the lights, I glanced at myself in the mirror, yeah, I needed a good scrubbing. I stripped down into my under clothes before pulling open the shower curtain.

"Aaah!!" I squealed when I saw Natsu sitting there with a 'seductive' smirk on his face. He was clad in his underwear and that was it. The sudden shock caused me to grab my chest, thinking it would control my heart from exploding.

"You scared the shit out of me! Jeez, Natsu! What the hell?!" I screamed, punching him on the head. A small whine escaped his mouth as he put on a pouting look.

"That hurt... And I just wanted to take a shower, that's all."

"No! It's my shower ti-... Why are you on fire?" I stared at the now ablaze Natsu, wondering when he had lit himself.

"Huh? What are you- Holy shit! How the heck did this happen?!" He yelled, standing up and smacking himself, attempting to put the fire out. This stupid action caused me to blankly stare at my idiot husband. Like that was going to help! I quickly reached down and turned the nozzle, causing cold water to stream out of the shower head. Natsu sighed with relief as the flames slowly died down. But when they were all gone he screeched like a little girl from the coldness of the water. I burst out laughing before turning the water temperature to warm, causing another sigh from Natsu.

"Come and join me, Lucy." He said, turning on the charm again. A huge fit of laughter escaped my lips again before I shook my head.

"Nah, you're already in there. I guess I'll just take one after you." With that, I exited the bathroom. I needed to call someone anyways.

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