Chapter 15: Deuces

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MISS MEE?! Yeaaaaa took a break for a min bruh, hope u like!
"Stop, stop!" I yelled in terror. Ronnie and Aug, fighting.
"What the fuck is this?!" I yelled, mostly toward Ronnie.
"I needed to let his playa ass know wassup, who he dealin with." Ronnie said, face soaked in sweat and blood. Confused, I came between the two, as they continued to tussle.
"Aye, aye! Chill the fuck out, nigga! Whatchu talking about? Know about what?"
"He's gonna hurt you, Rhen..." He said coming closer. "He's gonna hurt you..." He said quieter, my face in his hands. "I don't, I-- how you know about August..." I asked, confused and safe in his palms...
"The text message, I knew August. We were close, but he know how to let a nigga down. Took my ex girl, only to dump her hoe ass a week later. Now he's gonna steal you from me. You know I like you, Rhen, why you do this?"
"You lead a nigga on, then put him down like this..." He said, hurt in his eyes. I didn't know what to do or how to respond. Yeah, I knew Ronnie liked me, but Aug is hella chill, we ain't goin out, nun like that.. "Ronnie, we are only friends, ok? Plus, me and you aren't together, don't get your hopes high. Wait-"
"I see how that is... I'll remember not to get them to high. I'll remember, Rhenè."
"Ronnie I-"
"See you later, ma." He threw up the deuces and left.
Omg u guys it's been so long, yall probably hate my ass now😂 but yea I'm back💁💅
I know I know ... Right when school starting in two days too... But I was chillin with the og squad u know. And winter break I needed some time to think about shit. Anyways, I'll update once a week, twice or three if I'm feelin it☺️ love yall😘

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