Chemical Reaction

670 14 2

Rhenè (Ren-aye) Wilson

What about me?


I'm a chemical reaction.

You touch me, I'm gonna explode, nigga.

So don't touch me.

I'm 16.

I have no friends.

Probably cause I look scary as fuck.

I have tats all over.

I have two sleeves, super colorful, for real.

People think I'm a wannabe gangsta, but in reality, that's just who I am.

I guess I could say I'm hella chill, once you get to know my hyper ass. But I swear to god if you hurt me, it's over for you.


School? That's easy.

No one talks to me.

Zero fucks given, mah nigga.

Every time I enter the room, boom, all eyes on me.

I know I'm ugly, but nigga damn!

Me? Even easier.

Like I said, I'm tatted up. I wear tomboy clothes because I'm a tomboy, no shit. Jordan's are life. Nikes are bae. Camouflage clothing is my shit!

I've had several other boyfriends, some beat my ass. Don't ask, or I'll clock you in the jaw.

I smoke that kush. No other drugs for me. Trees are all I need once in a while.

I have curly ass hair. I'm team thick; my thighs are huge, same goes for my cake... haha. I'm on the skinny-not so skinny side, I think.

I'm kind of light skin, kind if dark.

The light comes from my Latina self, and the dark comes from my Black self. My mom was Hispanic, and my dad was Black. I'm a win-win, baby.


My dad-- he abuses me.

My mom-- she's dead.

Lemme tell you why:

We were in a mini- mart, right?

Ok, so some guy comes in and he looks hella suspicious, right?

This nigga pulls out a motherfucking .50 caliber.

And bam, she's gone.

I called the cops, and ended up taking the guys gun, and gunning him down myself. It's not like I had a choice, I mean, guy kills your mom, what are yah gonna do?

I don't know if he survived or not. Why should I care? My moms dead.

Anyways, back to school:

I get regular grades, and yes I get picked on.

Does it look like a give one fuck?



Like I said,

Chemical Reaction.

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