Chapter 6: I'm Crying for Murder

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+ A/N: Kid Lucas (@xKiddLucas [ig]) will be playing Rhené's brother as himself. Picture above.

Text Convo, Continued

D: What the fuck do you mean she's gone?
R: they took her man I don't know what ima do it's my fault I shoulda been there I should have fought back
D: Aye man don't take it so hard on yourself
R: just do me one and text sage and khay and ill call Lucas
D: Yea man i will but who the fuck is Lucas?
R: her brother
D: damn alright I will man take care ill be there
R: thanks

Text Convo Over

I was really worried for Rhené. We aren't together, and honestly I wish I could change that, but I care about her. I came from this dark ass life and now, here I am, falling in love and shit.

Derek came about ten minutes later after we had finished texting. He had also brought along Khayman and Sage.

"Aye man, you good?" Sage said, getting out of the car.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it."

I hopped in the car and called Lucas.


Lucas: Hello?
Ronnie: Hey, it's Ron.
Lucas: Oh what up Ronnie, how you been.
Ronnie: Not so good, come to my house in about ten minutes, dig?
Lucas: Why, whats up?
Ronnie: Just hurry, and I'll explain when you get there.
Lucas: Got you.

We arrived at my house and I noticed Lucas's car parked. I ran up to his window and scared the hell out of him.
We all went inside and I explained what had happened about 30 minutes ago.

"WHAT? You let them take her! What the fuck, Ronnie!" he yelled, furious. "Ma nigga, chill, I got fucking jumped and I couldn't move..." I said, worried that nigga would punch me or some shit, I don't know.? "We have to find her, and whoever took her... I'll kill them."

The way he said it.. I was scared of him. Lucas, hes been to jail, twice. I won't say why, it's too brutal, but he has been for several occasions.

About 25 minutes later..

"Yo, guys, I think I'm gonna go to her house. I don't know if her dad's there or not, or who he is... or what he's capable of?"

"You mean our dad? Yeah I haven't seen him in a while.. I better go with you." Lucas reassures me.

When we arrive at the house, we knock on the door. I decide to let Lucas go first, and only introduce me as his friend, not Rhené's friend. Just so no questions are asked, I guess.

"Who is it?" we heard this deep voice come from the other side of the door.

"God damn.." I said, out of fright, honestly.

"Its... me.."

Just then, the door slams wide open.

"Lu-Lucas? And who the hell is this? He has more tattoos than you do!"

"My friend, Ronnie. Ronnie, Martin, Martin, Ronnie."

"Nice to meet you, sir." we shook hands.

We went inside and Lucas asked if we could look in Rhené's bedroom, for 'old memories'.

He granted us access and we quickly went up stairs and locked the door behind us. We immediately searched for anything that could help us find her.

I found a journal, and sat down on her bed.

I read toward the end. It was titled "Random Diary Entry"

~Random Diary Entry
Daddy.. he abused me again. He tried to rape me, molest me, but I denied, and I earned myself another hit. And a kick. And a slap to the face... I wish I opened up to Ronnie.
Oh, and I miss Lucas. My brother. I haven't seen him in over 5 years, not that dad lets me anyways.
I wish things were different. I wish my dad would burn in Hell. I wish.. I wish I had Ronnie to hug right now. He makes me feel so much better about myself, even if he doesn't care or know. I wish I told him about my dad and about my cutting. I wish I had Lucas. Lucas is the only one who knows how it feels to want to run away. Shiit, he's the only one who has run away, and in all honesty, I wish I had fucking gone with him. I had the damn chance to run away from everything back home, but being the dumbass I am.
Most of all... I wish I had mom. It's been 5 years since she has gotten shot, and I still miss her. She'll never be forgotten. Shes the hole in my heart that no one else will fill. The bastard who killed her... Hector. I remember shooting him myself, and the police taking him away. Nigga survived. If no one kills him... I will.
I wish for so much, and get so little. One day, just watch. I'll kill myself.
One day.

Who's Hector?

There was a blood stain, and a tear stain on the page.

And never am I going to let her harm herself again...

I was so confused, sad and depressed... how could she have not told me? I would've helped her off the bat. And hit her dad with a bat.

Ahh... humor.

"Lucas... get your ass over here..."

"Why, what is it.."


5 minutes later~

"What... what the fuck?! This nigga... this nigga I call dad does WHAT? And Hector... I knew it..!"

"Shut up, he'll hear!"

"I'm... I'm gonna beat. Their. Asses. You think my dad took her? And I can't really ask you about Hector."

"Nah, that's too obvious. He wouldn't have stayed here. And Why.."

"You'll find out. Keep searching."

I looked through her drawers and I felt deep tears take over my eyes when I found them in a mini sharpener.

Her blades.

They were covered in blood and hate. I wanted to be with her more than ever now. I wanted her. She was the one I desired.

Other than the blades, I didn't find anything of use.

I gave up and flipped through her diary again.

I found another one, titled "Not Real Love". A name I seen caught my attention.

Not Real Love...

Hector is the only reason I was happy. But.. he started hitting and punching me. That was all a while ago, but it's never forgotten...
If anyone finds this.. kill him for me... he would do anything just to be with me... kidnap me! You know what! He probably already did!
5555 n. Rollenpark.
Find me. But that's only if I'm gone! Don't go messing with that nigga for nothing.
But anyways.
He's probably the first one you want to go to if I disappear or already did.
Not that you care if I'm gone.
I don't even fucking care.

Rhené .. I care so much..

I'm gonna kill him. Not only IF he has her, but because of what he did TO her. It's over for him.

Haha, goodbye, amigo.


"Fuck man, another one?"

"Hector. I'll kill the nigga if I have to!"

"Fuck you mean?"

"Read this shit!"

He read it and became furious.

"Why does she think no one cares?! Doesn't she know she was my baby sister, my everything?! It was hard as fuck to leave her, now she's just gone! Its like I left her.. but now.. she left me.. And GOD DAMN IT that fucking Hector! How dare he even touch her!"

"Let's go. I'll text Derek and let him know where we're headed."

"Yeah, ight."

I texted Derek to let him know what was going down, and he said he would take Sage and Khayman and meet us there.

My thoughts were twisted and full of murderous scenes...

I care about her though..

We said bye to the dad like he didn't do anything wrong, and went to this "Hector" guy's place.

I'm crying for murder...

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