Chapter 9: Rhené?

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The picture: where Ron will be at in this chappie, later on.




Bam, Bam.


You'll never see her again. Shes Mine.

"No, no, Rhené please!" I yelled, waking myself up, only to realize I was soaked and covered in tears and sweat. I've been having the same fucking dream over and over again. It means something; it has to! Maybe she's hurt or worse-- maybe she's already...

Stop Ronnie...!

I refused to give up. Its been a week or so, and we still haven't found her. Khayman, Derek, Sage and Lucas have been sleeping over the past week and we've all been searching for the littlest sign of her. I turn to my window to find big black letters.


The sign read.

Confused and frustrated, I tried to wipe off the marker, knowing it was written on the other side of my window.

Spoke to soon.

It was written on my side. On the inside. Someone was in my fucking room, in my fucking house, and I slept through it all!

Someone... someone is playing games.

I want their head on a silver plater...

I want his head on a silver plater...

I swear to god that when I find Hector... I'm fucking. Him. Up.

Ronnie... I seen him... but where? I certainly did not see that much.

Hector... he took me away from him once again. But I know that Ronnie-- he's searching his fucking ass off for me.

I was crying for hours before and yet I continue. Someone; please help me.


I got a dm that was a picture of Rhen.

What the fuck? I thought to myself.

The message read:

some guy just dragged her into this building, across from my house!.

18th Bulevard.

I'm outside waiting so hurry!


It was a fan, huge fan. What if she's lying? I don't know, but I'm willing to take the risk.

I texted my boys and texted the girl.

Sheila, was her name.

I dmed her:

"I swear to god if I found out you're lying....

My #: 1-555-275-4089

I'm on my way.

You better not be lying."

"I'm not, and hurry, I hear a lot of screaming. I'm scared, please hurry!!!!

Call me ila btw but hurry up!


I sped off to her house, only to find her sitting out there with Khayman, Derek, Sage, and Luc.

"Come on, come on, you guys!"

I ran to the abandoned building. I opened the door while Sheila fan-girled for a minute.

I kicked down the basement door and yelled her name as loud as my lungs would allow.

"Ronni-" I heard her scream, then something covered her mouth.


He hit her.

"My nigga, Hector, I swear to god if you hit her just now, or ever, I will personally chop your balls off." I yelled, running to the bottom of the stairs.

The next thing I knew..

cliffhanger ma niggahhs

lol my bad.

updating soon!

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