Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

When it finally got to Saturday, I was happy to get away from school and from Richard. I for some reason enjoyed being with Richard, maybe because I enjoyed giving knowledge to others, but at the same time, I was happy to be home. He was acting as though he enjoys my company, and kept looking at me with those stupid eyes so to get away was to be able to breathe. 

I thought it would be that way but being who I am, it wasn't. Maybe I didn't want to breathe....

"Dewey!" I opened the front door, being almost happy to be home, to be able to do nothing in reality, but now I had her to deal with. What did she want? I was going to sneak some dinner so I wouldn't have to deal with my family, or my mother. Maybe it was a good idea to talk to her.

"Hi Lola," I sighed slightly, as of all the people, it was Lola. It was the ridiculous Lola. She smiled largely and continuously. 

"Let's go out, Paul wants to meet me somewhere, and he's bringing Georgie! I want to bring a friend too," Besides the fact that the way she simply talked hurt me, I didn't want to go out and do any of that, in any way. I didn't want to meet Georgie, I didn't want to see Paul, but I went along anyway, hoping Richard would save me again. Or maybe I would get a prince in shining armor, who knows?

"Fine," I grabbed some money, some pounds I guess, and slipped on a jacket, before rushing out with her. I wondered if she would drag me to a bar again. That would be rather strange, daja vu kind of thought. She didn't do that though, she dragged me somewhere else, somewhere I also didn't want to be at. 

She dragged me through Liverpool, to some other neighborhood, but not too far from where we lived. I just went along at this point, to be dragged was something I was rather good at, because people did it to me a lot. 

"Where are you taking me?" I asked her. She looked back with the stupid smile. 

"Paul's house silly! He's got a guitar!" Oh, well I guess than it's ok. She stopped dragging me at a house, and let me go through it's fence on my feet. It was about the size of mine, pretty much normal from what I saw. She rushed up to the door, stumbling a bit, and knocked on it quickly. 

I followed slowly, and got to the door, by the time it opened. Paul stood there, and Lola jumped to hug him. He laughed, and held her for a moment, before letting her drop, and having her giggle. He looked at me and laughed even louder.

"Dewey,you are looking as grotty as ever," I blinked at him, pushing into the house anyway.  I looked around the house, and back at him.

"Do they still call you piggy?" I asked him, as if I was completely serious. He lost him smile, his eye twitched a bit, and I heard another voice. 

"I like this girl Paul!" I looked and up the stairs was a kid, 13 or 12 or somewhere close to that. He looked like Paul, "Finally found one that sees the baby fat eh?" Paul glared at him, and I could tell they were siblings. 

"Michael, bloody hell," Michael snickered and rushed off somewhere else. I wondered who else was hiding in this home. This Georgie character I assume was but if he was anything like Paul, I didn't really want to meet him. 

"Your brother is funny," Lola continued to giggle, "Where's Georgie?" She rushed into another room, probably a living room of some kind of sort, and Paul went after her, decidedly not continuing our conversation. I followed, through the common looking house, past the pictures and into a living area with seats for a family, lamps, and one old television, with a piano.

Georgie sat at a chair, playing and picking at a guitar. He looked up, glanced over Paul and me and smiled at Lola, very brightly. She obviously was very important this child, who was only a year older than Michael, maybe 14 or something. He was young too. I felt rather old around these children. 

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