Why now?

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"Where is he?! Tell me or I will kill him!", the man yelled pointing a gun at my best friend Oliver's head.

"PLEASE I DON'T KNOW, LET HIM GO! I BEG OF YOU!", I yelled with tears running down my face. Oliver tried to get out of one of the man's grips but couldn't. 

I heard gunshots. BANG BANG. I open my eyes and see Oliver dead with a bullet in his head 


I woke up sitting and breathing really hard. I was shaking and crying as well.

I haven't had this memory in 2 years. I don't understand. Why now? Why when I'm with my brothers? Why? I did everything to forget and now it comes all back.

I stood up and checked the time. The clock said 5:25 am. I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I already knew I was not going to be able to sleep, so, I decided to just get ready for the day.

I went to my closet and picked out my outfit, which was a pair of jeans and an oversized T-shirt, and got into the shower. 

I realized my bruise on my leg was already healing as well as the bruise on my wrist, which was amazing for the wrist because I didn't want my brothers to see it. I put concealer on my leg and wrist bruises and then checked my stomach bruise. My stomach bruise was the biggest one on my body but surprisingly it was healing as well.

I washed my body and my hair and then I did my other necessities. I changed into my clothes and went inside my room.

I was surprised to see Noah sitting on my bed at 6:12 am. 

"Oh hey, why are you up?", I asked. 

"Well I woke up to get a glass of water, but then I heard the water on", He replied. "Why are you up?"

"Oh uh, I-I-I don't know why, I just did and thought I might as well get ready", I answered him. I wasn't completely lying.

"Okay breakfast will be at 8, you can do your girly th-what's that?" Noah said while looking at my shoulder.

"What's what?" I asked nervously. I totally forgot about what happened at Dunkin Donuts.

"Isabella, what happened to your arm?" He asked coming closer and moving the short sleeve a bit more up so he could see clearly.

"Oh that", I replied. "Uh, I fell. I fell down the stairs the other day and hit my shoulder." I tried and come up with a lie. I could have told him what happened but I don't know how he'll react.

"Okay I'll go downstairs and get you an ointment for it", Noah said while going towards the door. 

I sat on my bed and saw Leilani calling me. I press the button to pick up and see both Leilani and Willow sitting on Willow's bed.

W = Willow
L = Leilani
I = Isabella

I = Hey guys, what's up?
W = WHAT'S UP? What's up is that Leilani got a boyfriend!!!!!
L = It's not that big of a deal
W = It's the guy that sat behind you in math.
I = Wait, Jason?!! I knew he liked you!! I'm so happy for you Lei!!!! But I have to go, we'll talk later. Bye you guys, love you!!
W & L = Love you too, Bye!!

I closed my phone when Noah came closer to my bed.

"Who was that?" Noah asked me while opening the ointment.

"That was Leilani and Willow, they're my best friends", I said while trying to take the ointment from Noah's hands. "I can do it myself you know", I said while Noah put the ointment in the air knowing I'm too short to reach.

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