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"Please be nice" I said to all of my brothers who sat on the couch. They all nodded not even gazing up from their phones.  I'm nervous. Today is the dinner that Luca and his Brothers come to. "you guys!" I yelled. "Okay we'll be nice, calm down" said Ryder. I smiled and also sat on the couch waiting for Luca to arrive.

The bell rung and Ryder went to go get it. Luca and his brothers come in with smiles. My brothers stand up and Luca's brothers and mine go in a bro-hug type of thing. Huh? Me and Luca look confused as hell. I guess Noah saw that and he said " We actually called them after you fell asleep Friday well Saturday" He chuckled. I'm still confused. I thought they didn't like each other. "We all good now" One of Lucas brother said. "wait that important 'meeting' ya'll went to was with them?" asked Luca. His brothers nodded. "cool" Luca responded. I'm still very much lost here. "Huh?" I asked. Xavier sighed and he explained. "We called them and we talked. A few punches were thrown but we are all good.  They even agreed to keep you safe" That totally makes sense right? No! "To keep me safe? From what?" I asked. "Jack, we know he was on the phone and that he wants you." Hunter said. "and you know that how?" I asked. "I got into your phone and the tracker that we put, when you got here, recorded everything" Jax said. Hold up. A tracker? Hell no!

"Let us introduce our selves. I'm Elijah, the eldest" The really tall one that also looks like you shouldn't piss off  so basically Xavier 2.0 says " That's Leo, he's second" Elijah points at the only blond one "That's Jamie, The third" he points at  the one that looks pretty buffy, I mean they all look buffy but he like way more " That's Warren" he points at the guy who looks a year or two older than me and Luca "and you already know Luca" he finishes. I nod and smile at them.

"Lets go eat dinner" Said Xavier.
We all nodded our heads and went to the dining room.

All of us were laughing and talking. If I didn't know that my brothers and Luca's brothers didn't like each other at first, I would think that they would have been best of friends right now.

It's been about an hour after dinner and we're just sitting in the couch talking.

"So Isabella, what did you see in this dumb a** that made you like him?" Asked Warren. I smiled shyly and said "uh I don't know? I mean his personality is fun to be with and he's actually caring once you get to know him. At first I actually disliked him but I guess overtime I got feelings?" I said not looking at Luca. Luca smiled brightly and the others chuckled. "What do you like about our sister?" Asked Noah. "I actually liked her since I first met her on the plane" Luca said and my head went up, and I looked at him shocked. How could he have liked me? We had just met at that time. "Well I thought she was pretty cute. I felt this, I don't know, pull towards her. I knew since than that I started liking her. But I didn't know I liked her this much" he ended. I looked at him in awe. And he looked back at me
"You hurt her and I'll beat your a** and Hunters" Asked Ryder. Way to ruin the moment dude. Wait Hunters?
"Why the heck me?!" Hunter asked.
"You knew he liked her yet you kept your mouth shut. The only reason I agreed to this was because of you." Ryder said. Wait holdddd up. Hunter knew?! And he didn't tell me?! Oof
Luca chuckled and said "trust me, I have no intentions to hurt her"

"Okay fine" both Xavier and Elijah said. I looked at them with confusion. "We will allow you to date. But no touchy touchy" Elijah said and Xavier glared at Luca when Elijah said the 'no touchy touchy" part.
I smiled at them, and I hugged Xavier. "EEE thank you so much!" I said

"Movie time!!" Yelled Jamie and Ryder.

We all just finished two movies, and we are about to start the third.

I could feel myself falling asleep on Luca's shoulder. I jolted up when my phone rang.
It's Shane.
(I-Isabella, S-Shane, A-Ace)
I- Hey
S- hey, I have someone who wants to talk to you
A- hey blui
I- OMG YOU DUMB BISH. I was so worried for you!

I shouldn't have yelled that since now everyone is looking at me.

A- jeez don't make me go deaf also you have no right to be mad. You fought him?! WTH ISABELLA. I'm happy and proud that you did, but you could have gotten hurt! Carlos plays dirty tricks! Gosh that a**whole. Once I get out I'm going to beat his butt
I- aww your proud of me. And don't. Don't say that. Yeah he plays dirty but do not call him a ashwhole. He's his brother. He has every right!
A- I don't care anymore!
I- calm the hell down before I come over there and make you!
I- You will not touch him.
A- I don't like you
I- love yuh too babe

Oops shouldn't have said that, now everyone is looking at me like they mad.I totally forgot they were here.

I- uh I got to go but your good now right?
A- yeah I'm fine. Go be with your boyfriend.
I-what boyfrie-
And he hung up.

" what?" I asked with a smile knowing exactly why they are all looking at me like that.
"Why are you so defensive about this "him" asked Jax
"Who are you calling babe" asked Luca.
I rolled my eyes. "Who was it Isabella" asked Xavier. "It was Ace. He just woke up. And that "him" was Carlos, the guy I fought." They all nodded. "Why couldn't this Ace touch him?" Asked Leo. I would have thought they knew everything guess not I guess. Before I could answer, the door bell rang.
Who could thats be?

Ryder went to go get the door and he walks in with Carlos and Cam? What the hell?


If you don't remember who cam is, He's Jacks best friend. Sorry this chapter is a bit short. I'm actually busy with my finals.

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