𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞

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 ═════════════╗CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE,

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good love
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THE NEW YORK club scene was a step up from the scene in LA, something that seemed like quite a feat in comparison. From the dancing and atmosphere it was hard to not be sucked into the environment once stepping foot. One thing was a manner of constant, the hottest of actors were always the messiest of drunks.

Currently situated at the bar alone Angie continued to spin her finger around her drink mindlessly. Having lost track of Michael ages ago to another girl dragging him to the dance floor she appreciated the quiet. If that was even possible given the volume of the music currently making her ears pulse.

"What are you having?" She turned her gaze up to Judd having pulled himself away from the crowd and smiled over his company. "Cosmopolitan?"

"I'm still on the one thanks," She attempted to yell over the music as he nodded in understanding while the pair turned to Michael. His face was currently flushed, his hair having become flat from the amount of sweat coming off of him. It was funny to her how he managed to come into these things looking handsome and leaving a complete wreck. The amount of effort he took to get there really was something of a whole other concern. "I should probably pull him out."

Waving this off and taking out a cigarette he rolled his eyes. "The kid is fine, he'll shake it off tomorrow." Passing her a cigarette she sighed to take a light, turning her back away from the bar now. "Need some company going home?"

Angie laughed over the comment to meet his gaze. "Why, want to steal me away?"

"Could try?" She only shook her head, Judd then pulling her waist to kiss her cheek. "Stay safe, Ang." She nodded understandingly as he took his drink and cigarette with him to leave her at the bar alone again.

Michael glanced up for a moment to meet her gaze once he left. Carelessly slung around the waist of someone else he froze in his spot, partly sobering up when seeing her. Brushing himself off, he leaned into his dance partner's ear, partly hoping she would say her name again as he had forgotten, before pushing himself past the others to Angie.

Seeing as she had noticed him coming up to the bar she grabbed her small clutch and finished the rest of her drink thinking they were going to leave. Once in front of her Angie grabbed some napkins to dab his forehead annoyed. "C'mon, we should get outta here."

"It's still early," He whined, looking down at his own watch for the time, "It's barely past midnight?"

"Like I said, we should—"

Michael reached up to pull her waist towards him forcing her to move the cigarette away from his face as to not accidentally touch him with it. "Just give me a dance and I'll go willingly."

Her eyes looked back towards the others on the floor unbothered. "Pick someone else, pretty boy. I'm not doing this with you."

Not backing down he smiled at her, appreciating the look of her while he still could. "Please." Using her free hand she pushed him off for him to groan from the suddenness. "I'll leave soon then."

"No, now— " Rolling her eyes she turned away for Michael to notice his partner had come up to wait patiently for him to finish his conversation with Angie. Smiling to her and glaring at him she shook her head disappointed. "Do whatever you want but if you're not up and ready by 7, I'm telling Pete."

Walking past him Michael followed her easily shifting out of the club. Part of him wanted her to turn back, knowing if she had he would've followed behind obediently. Except Angie wasn't the type and instead he followed his gaze right up to her leaving through the exit and alone to his devices. Feeling the other woman now tugging at his sleeve to gain his attention again he was swiftly dragged back without any guilt.


SITUATED IN the seat in the living room with the coffee warming her Angie continued to write away. Coming out of his own room Michael found her this way, not paying any mind to him from the music filling the space. He leaned into the bannister for a moment to admire her. The way she knit her brows in concentration, tapping on the mug in beat to the music, pulling a loose strand of hair that blocked her.

Eventually he came out from his spot for her to look up to him with give him a friendly smile. By friendly this was not one that necessarily meant she was happy to see him but was fairly indifferent to him being there. For Michael, that was better than nothing. "I'm going out to dinner. Should be home late but before curfew."

Angie laughed at this, putting down her pen to eye him over this. "You have a curfew now?"

"Yeah, I gave myself one. I don't want you leaving me alone here." She softened over this as he smiled sincerely to her. "I do like you being here. I know I'm not easy, I'm sorry."

Then Angie smiled back with genuine content to have him warm up at the sight. "Thanks." She then lifted herself up from her seat bringing her mug along with her to enter the kitchen again. "Same girl as last night then."

"Oh you make me sound so terrible."

"You do get tired of them, it's hard to keep track." Filling her cup Angie continued off at his expense. "There's been Paula, Caitlin, Christy,  Jude, Marcy—"

Michael rolled his eyes knowing some of those were entirely made-up. "We've only been here for a couple of weeks, how much damage do you think I've done?" She smiled from him over her coffee cup to have him let out a laugh. "Haven't heard a single complaint yet anyways. I think I'm doing just fine."

Angie shrugged for him to knit his brows confused. "That's the point. Who's gonna complain about being with you. Having no bad remarks doesn't always mean you're all that great."

"You have my word, I am."

"Your word isn't very much, Mike."

Grabbing her things from the table to make her way up towards her own room she drifted past him to head to the stairs with a goodbye. Still hanging onto their previous conversation Michael looked up to her with interest. "They're not faking it to appease my ego, y'know."

Angie laughed over the statement loudly for him to grow embarrassed. "Very bold of you to assume as if you could even tell— Enjoy your date." Hanging onto that though he couldn't help to laugh and left into the night.

THEN SHE APPEARED, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now