𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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seven seas of rhye ╚═════════════

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seven seas of rhye
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KNOCKING GENTLY on the door to Pete's office, Angie slowly peeled her head through until noticing him sitting behind his desk. Barely gazing towards her direction, he ushered her to come in with her planner tightly tucked under her arm.

He motioned to the seat directly to have her slightly surprised. Usually the two would discuss any events being held this week, certain planning that was meant to be done, but it was all so fast-paced it never required enough time to actually be able to sit down. Still, Angie did so despite her suspicions as he lowered the papers in his hands to face her. "You're finally getting off that dead-beat internship with Universal, right?"

Slightly offended by the comment, she still slowly nodded. "It was a good starting point—"

"No, it's a starting point for people who wanna be the crew pulling the strings towards writing a story. Not for the people bold enough to make the story come to fruition," Pete quickly corrected her and leaned back in his seat, "I want you to work full time with me."

Angie slightly laughed over the offer, thinking that it contradicted to the motivational speech he was trying to give her. "I don't think that advice made any sort of sense there, Pete?"

He shook his head and smiled up to her confidently. "But I'm also going to represent you in the business." She widened her eyes over the offer as he heaved a deep breath over what he was suggesting. "As a sort of stepping-stone into the industry because you can't be using me forever."

"So, you're gonna represent me?" Angie raised a finger towards him in disbelief. "I haven't even given you any sample storyboards?"

"Sure you did, you made that one about the buddy-cop film with a twist."

She laughed over this to shake off the idea from her memory of a late-night-in at the office with Robert and Judd having paid a visit when Judd was back in town again. "As a joke because the two bozos wanted a funny story to laugh about and I was put on the spot."

Pete smirked over the idea to shrug his shoulders. "Sounded like a good idea to me." She gaped her mouth towards him in surprise as he leaned over the seat confidently. "Angie, look, I'm putting a lot of faith in you because you seem to wanna work hard in the business which is more than I could say for most people already here. Besides, I wish someone gave me a shot when I was around your age. Would've made life a whole lot easier."

THEN SHE APPEARED, michael j. foxWhere stories live. Discover now