Chapter 4

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Who are you now

Dylans Pov

Luke and I stayed talking for a few more minutes, having a moan about Charlotte together, it was kind of funny knowing that Luke felt the same way about her, he didn't look convinced though.

I was so into my speech about her I didn't even see her get up from the booth in front of us and approach me with her hot latte, I only clicked into the real world as hot liquid poured down my face, I caught Charlotte's eye, her face filled with regret and fear, I smirked at her and she knew she was in for it.

'Mr Brien sir, you have an interview at 3 don't forget, your car will pick you up at no later than 2.' A voice informed me as I answered my phone.

'Oh absolutely sir, I'll be there, I just have to do something first and I'll be with you.' I smirked and shoved my phone back in my pocket as I walked up the driveway to my house, what I was planning in my head was wrong, so wrong it's right, I had to do it, to show her I had dominance, that she needed to stop acting so jealous like.

I threw the door open and slammed it shut so hard I almost heard her jump, she tried to plead with me but I didn't listen, I had to show her not to mess with me. When I was finished, I stepped over her nearly unconscious body and walked back out of the front door into the car parked in the road.

'Everything okay Mr O'Brien?' The chauffeur asked as I climbed into the car and sighed in exasperation, throwing my phone across the seat and angrily pulling my seatbelt on.

'Yeah, I'm okay, just an argument with my mum, the usual, you know.' I sighed again and looked out of the window breathing slowly, I had to calm down before I met with the fans, I couldn't have them suspect anything, my breathing got faster as we got closer to the venue and the screaming got louder as the fans realised it was me in the car, my breath hitched in my throat and I had to take a swig of water before I could step out and into the building, I said hi, took some photos and autographed some things before I was pulled away into the building.

I was going to tell Charlie the truth tonight.

Charlottes pov

I heard the car speed off down the road and wished I could reach for my phone to call someone but it was on the kitchen side and I was laying on the cold floor by the front door, my head felt as if it was on fire and my arms were all bruised and I couldn't move, laying there wishing I could have a normal life, a normal boyfriend and just be normal, but that would never happen.

You'd think I'd leave him being the way he is but something about the way he looks at me, treats me when he's in a good mood makes me want him badly, and no, I don't know why he turned on me, it didn't just happen overnight, it was very gradual, he just changed, he wasn't Dylan anymore, he wasn't interested in me, sleeping with other girls, I should have left him there but I wanted to look after him, he went off his favourite food, locked himself away for days, then he got worse, he started hitting me if I did something he didn't remotely like, to keep me in line he told me.

I decided in that moment, to call the police and do something about it because he needed help and I wasn't getting through to him no matter how hard I tried, the therapist didn't seem to be working either.

I forced myself to stand up and shuffle into the kitchen, I looked at the kitchen side but my phone wasn't there, son of a bitch took it with him, I tried to leave the house through the back door, locked. Sighing in annoyance I hit the door and pushed my feet into my shoes, heading for the drawer here we kept the keys, they weren't in there, he'd taken them too, locked me in the house to keep me there so I couldn't call the police, I guess he knew I'd click at some point.

Yawning, I grabbed some ice cream and a bag of peas from the freezer and headed for the lounger where I collapsed onto the sofa and flicked the channel until, to my surprise, I found supernatural, one of my favourite shows, I smiled and took a pillow off the sofa and set the ice cream on it, holding the peas to my face.

After I'd watched what seemed like only minutes but was actually four and a half hours of supernatural, the door opened, my heart skipped a beat and I tried to hide my watering eyes.

'Char?' Dylan called, I didn't respond, the bag of peas was draped over the arm of the sofa and the ice cream tub on the coffee table, I deliberately laid on the sofa so he couldn't sit with me.

'Babe?' He whispered as he opened the living room door, he hasn't called me babe genuinely for months, his voice cracked as he saw me laying on the sofa feeling sorry for myself, he walked into the living room properly and crouched down in front of me, putting his hand on me knee, he smirked so I could see his dimple.

'Baby...' He sighed, rubbing my leg, giving me a strange feeling in my stomach, I moved my legs and sat up, facing him, I put my hands on his knees and he reached down next to him, handing me a bunch of flowers, I took them from him and smiled, he reached up slowly with his thumb, he gingerly touched my black eye and winced himself.

'Charlie baby I am so sorry.' He cried, I rolled my eyes and took the tv remote from the table, paused the tv and put it back.

'We need to talk.' We said at the same time.

'You go first.' I told him, I moved so he could sit and I sat back and crossed my legs, he reached forward with his hands and put them on my knees, sliding them up my thighs, he caught my eye and started to tell me what he wanted to

'Look, there is no way in hell I want you to forgive me for what I've been doing to you lately and I have to tell you all this before I get bad again, a few weeks ago, at therapy, I wigged out and started hitting my therapist Nina, she called the police and a doctor and they checked me over for mental disorders, I have a personality disorder and it's only going to get worse from here. I just...snap. I'm sorry, I'm a bad person but it's not aalways me, if you pack up and leave I won't blame you, I've been put on medication to calm me down but I only took some on the way to the interview and it just kicked in.'

'Dylan I.' I tried to speak but it stuck in my throat, my hands started to shake, I leant in and kissed Dylan, to let him know I loved him.

'We can do this. Together.' I smiled

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