Chapter 10

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Dylan's pov

I tried, I really tried, I can't face Charlotte yet though, not like this, I'm a mess.

Its only been three days since the accident, I should still be in hospital but I'm looking after myself. I keep thinking, what if she's awake and she sees me? So I just stay inside, day in, day out. I haven't turned up for filming, I've blocked all phone numbers I have except the one for the hospital. I keep the door locked and I'll only go out when I run out of food.

The kitchen is a mess, there's pots and pans everywhere, they all need washing up. There's food stuff all over the floor by the bin where I've shuffled into the kitchen in the middle of the night and tragically missed the bin. I just lay on the sofa surrounded by empty take out cartons and ben and jerry's tubs, I'm ashamed to say this is where I live.

I don't exactly know what happened, maybe a dream, maybe a thought or maybe just plain bloody sense but I know I woke up one morning with loads of motivation, feeling refreshed and ready to carry on.

I climbed off the sofa and into skipped into the kitchen, I flicked on the radio and turned the hot water on, squirting some washing up liquid into the sink I rummaged around for the mop and bucket.

It took over three hours to clean the whole house, taking out the rubbish, washing and re-washing the dishes, hoovering from top to bottom and turning my floordrobe into a normal wardrobe.

As promised, I'd been taking my medications and maybe it was that that gave me the kick that I needed, but, as I swept the living room for any more rubbish, a photo caught my eye.

It was me and Charlotte, on our first date, a selfie that she insisted we took before we started to bowl. For my birthday last year she framed it and put it on the mantelpiece five years later.

Something about her smile made me feel numb, it was real. Her eyes shone, her smile was real, real. I hadn't seen her smile like that since I started to...

I cut off my own thoughts and threw the photo to the floor in a fit of anger, I tied a knot in the top of the bin bag and trampled over the broken glass. As angry tears fell down my face I threw the rubbish bag outside and stormed back in, slamming the door behind me.

I sighed as I passed the lounge, guilt filled my veins, replacing the blood flowing through them already. Stumbling into the kitchen, with the hope I could forget about everything I opened the kitchen door. Another photo of the two of us was taped to the door. Damn I missed the happy us, I really miss the happy us. When all my fans used to ship us before we faded into the background.

Thinking about it just made me even more upset, more tears ran down my face and I wiped them off angrily, my blood beginning to boil. I yanked the photo from the fridge and slammed my forehead into it, I clenched my fist and started punching the wall beside me. Over and over again, I kept hitting it and hitting it until I almost certainly caused a dent. I stopped for a second and, checking the damage on my hand. Looking at it, one wouldn't even be able to tell that it was a fist, it was a bloody mess instead. It didn't make me want to stop though.

Just as I reached up and to punch the wall again the front door opened. I widened my eyes and turned my head. It was Tam with a bunch of flowers in her hand.

'Oh Dylan.' She whispered, rushing over to me as I fell to the floor, sobbing into my hands.

'Have you taken your medication today Dylan?' She asked as she helped me onto a chair, pushing a wet cloth onto my now swelling up hand. I nodded and she rummaged around for a bandage. I winced as she placed it around my hand.

'You okay?' Tam asked.

'Yeah. Will you take me to see her?' I whispered.

'Of course, come on.' Tam took me into her car and we drove to the hospital in silence.

'I'll wait for you here okay.' Tam said when we found a car park spot.

'Thanks.' I mumbled, walking in through the doors and to the reception desk. The woman already knew who I was so she let me through. To my dismay, Charlotte was still out cold. I stood at the door, watching the nurse as she made Charlotte's bed more comfortable.

'Hey, do you want to come sit with her.' The nurse asked, making me jump, I ran my hand along the top of my cold arm and smiled.

'Sure.' I said emotionless.

'Shes going to be okay you know, she's a fighter this one.'

'Thanks, for looking after her and all that.' I thanked her, sitting down. She just nodded and left.

I stayed with Charlotte for a while, talking about anything and everything I could remember about us before I changed. I held her hand the entire time, willing her to wake up. Of course, people don't get what they want so she remained out of it, looking so at peace I decided to leave her.

After a short stay I shuffled through the disinfected corridors and into Tam's car.

'Everything okay?' She asked, but I wasn't sure, I felt, different.


Sorry it's been so long, I'll get back into the swing of this soon. Depression has hit me really hard so I'm picking myself back up. Thanks for supporting this though, I'm so happy people like it. Like and comment x

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