Chapter 16

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Dylan's PoV

"What do you wanna do first?" I asked Charlotte once we'd got our wristbands and tickets and things. She looked up at me angelically, squinting slightly because of the sun.
"I couldn't care less, we could walk around here all day for all I care." She giggled, nonetheless she led me to her favourite ride, pushing through the crowd to get there.

"I'm going to get ice cream." She announced when we got off the ride and she skipped towards the nearest shop. After waiting for about 15 minutes, she finally returned with her ice cream and also a surprise one for me. I smiles at her and her cuteness while accepting the ice cream. In order to say thank you I gently kissed her on the lips before backing away and taking a bite of my ice cream.

"Thank you babe." I said as we started walking away towards the middle of the theme park where the carnival games were held. We enjoyed our little walk and ice creams by gently nudging each other with our shoulders. One time when i did it, i accidentally knocked her elbow cause the ice cream to smother her face. I could help but laugh which caused her to go red from embarrassment and also anger. It was adorable, but I couldnt help but stop laughing when she started to give me the evils.

In order to forgive her, we walked her over the the 'hook a duck' where i was able to win Charlotte a giant teddy bear that, I of course, had to then carry around for her. I got odd looks from everyone we passed as I was carrying around a giant pink bear, but I didn't care because right now, my girl was the happiest I have seen her in ages, and that in turn made me smile.

"Oh my god, Dylan pleeeeease can we try and win one!?" Charlotte begged me pouting while pointing at the little bags of swimming fish. I looked at her and I saw her look at the ground while blushing slight red which got me curious.

"Babe, why are you blushing?" I asked her with a slight chuckle. But I didn't get an answer. In stead she kept looking down while shaking her head. I slowly walked over to her and lifted her chin up with two fingers and placed a gentle kiss on her soft lips. "Please tell me babe?" I whispered against her lips.

"I was just thinking that, well this would be... Thiswouldbeourfirstpettogether." She rapidly spat out. I didn't quite understand her so i asked her again.

"This would be our first pet together." She said a little slower while blushing a deep red. I chuckled at her cute blush and gave her one last kiss on her lips before aiming to win one of the fish bags. I didn't, but instead of trying again on my own, I pulled Charlotte to me, stood her in front of me and wrapped my arms round her to hold the stick.

"Hold the top babe and I'll hold the bottom. We can try and win this together." I explained while placing a simple kiss on the top of her head.

We didn't win the fish, which was unfortunate but Charlotte didn't seem to mind as we walked once more hand in hand through the park. We came to a stop and out of natural instinct I looked at Charlotte to see what was wrong.
"I'm going to the toilet." She told me with a smile.
Not two minutes later I heard a voice scream.
"Oh my god that's Dylan O'Brien." The scream was followed by the sound of forty teenage girls and guys running towards me. Now that's truly terrifying.
"Woah guys calm down." I laughed as they approached me wanting pictures and autographs.
"I'm out with my girlfriend and I would like it if-" but, naturally, they weren't listening. I had no choice but to give them what they wanted otherwise they'd have followed me around all day.

Charlottes PoV
Honestly, this was one of the best dates me and Dylan had been on.
When I got back outside though, he was surrounded by fan girls. I couldn't see him but I could hear him, I sighed and sunk against a wall, watching people's feet as they hurried past me. Without Dylan, the crowd was quite overwhelming and I started to get really hot.
"You're Dylan's girlfriend?" A boy asked, I looked up, there were six of them. I nodded and looked back down.
"Well he doesn't seem to want you babe. I'd look after ye, just sayin' if I had you I'd never let you go." He smirked and walked towards me.
"Of course he wants me. The fans are important to him is all." I sighed trying to walk away, he grabbed my elbow and pulled me back, pushing me into the wall.
"Come with me." He smiled.
"Stay away from me." I sighed, pushing him off me and heading towards Dylan. The crowd was dispersing now but he still couldn't see me. The boy once more grabbed hold of my elbow only this time I yelled at him to get off me and Dylan must have heard and then seen as the boy forcefully pressed his lips on mine. I pushed him off and kicked him in the nuts. Dylan ran out of the crowd and slammed the boy into the wall as he started to punch the boy over and over again.
"Stay away from her." He spat, taking my hand and rubbing his thumb along the back of it.
The boys can't have been done with him though as he was soon pulled back, the grip on my hand disappeared and a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, holding me back.
The boy had Dylan pushed into a wall, Dylan was laughing at him telling him that there was nothing he could do to make his day worse.
I was forced to stand and watch my boyfriends face get smashed in, he tried to defend himself and hit the boy back but he's finally found someone stronger than him. It was only pulled apart when someone who worked in the park pulled it apart and an onsite paramedic came to clean him up. None of his injuries needed him to go to hospital but he'd been knocked unconscious.

When I woke up this morning I hadn't pictured the date ending with me pulling my unconscious boyfriend into the car

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