Chapter 1

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Tams Pov

This interview had better go well, better than the last one. They hated me at that firm, maybe they'll hate me here too. No I cannot let that happen, they have to love me, I have to make them love me. Okay, here goes nothing.

The door closes to me, allowing a cold hug of air to wrap around my already freezing body as i twoddle to the car, the first thing I do when I clamber in is turn on the heating, I'm not mad, it must be like minus 10 out there. Curse you Jack Frost. The therapy centre is just around the corner so with a little bit of luck I'll have enough time to get to Costa and grab a quick hot drink and get back on my way. I turn on my radio to be beautifully informed that I have a wonderful 45 minutes before my interview starts.

I pull the car out of the drive way and drive for five minutes of that before pulling up at my local shopping centre, I walk briskly inside and head straight for the coffee shop. I order my usual, a fudge brownie hot chocolate to go and head back to the car where I sit and enjoy the warmth coming from both the drink and the cars heaters.

I sigh as the clock clicks to 10:40, I decided I'd better start driving or I'd be late for my 11am slot, quickly rubbing my hands together for one final rush of warmth I put the keys in the ignition and start the car, pulling out of the car parking spot of carefully chosen under a tree next to the entrance and out onto the main road, as I reduce the distance between me and the interview venue my heartbeat increases and my stomach turns sour that little bit extra. I use the breathing exercise my English lecturer had taught us to use in situations like this and soon after the moment of fear, sure enough, my stomach settled, all on its own, way to go stomach.

Before I even knew it I had arrived at the therapists building on south street. I was three minutes early but hella cold so I ran inside and caught the receptionist before she got up for her coffee break.
"I'm Tam. I have an interview at 11." I told her, she smiled her fake receptionist smile and found me on the system. Using her hand to indicate where to take a seat she unscrewed her smile and stood up, walking through a door which presumably took her into the offices. But before I could even choose a seat to sit on, a jolly looking lady came out of the same door that the receptionist went through, lifted up the desk and headed towards me. With a smile she held out her hand for me to shake.
"Hi I'm Carly. I'm going to be taking this interview. I got your references from your last therapy job and we're so desperate to have you here I'm literally going to show you around now and you start on Monday." I laughed nervously before realising she was being serious.

She led me down a series of corridors and stopped outside a bright red door, waiting for me to catch up she pushed open the door and told me to go inside. I turned around once in the room waiting for her to brutally murder me or tell me why I was in here. I prayed for the latter.
"This is your office." She smiled, "a list of your clients has been drawn up, well, there's only a Mr.Coma on there at the minute but we'll see how you get on and I'm sure it will get bigger."
"Thankyou." I smiled courteously, she nodded in reply, walking back down the corridor I took more in, I paid more attention to the sounds inside the rustic building. I heard a yell, a louder shout and then a quieter one, something that sounded like a vase smashing. A flustered looking female, no older than Carly came out of a room and slammed the door, frantically, she pushed her fringe out of her face and breathes heavily for a while.
"Your client being tricky again?" Carly questioned, the other woman nodded and sighed before standing completely, she headed for the front desk where she poured herself a drink of water.

"Oh by the way." Carly began. "This is Sam." She informed me pointing at the red head who'd just downed the water.
"Nice to meetcha." She spoke briefly before running back into her office where she was yelled at even more.

Wow, I'm going to love it here.

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