Chapter 3

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Who are you now

Dylan's Pov

I told Scarlett to leave and come back when I let her know it was safe enough because with Charlotte in this state nothing was safe. I grabbed my bike from the garage and went to charlottes favourite places. The library, the swimming pool and the cathedral in the town centre but she wasn't in any of them. Even though I wasn't strictly in love with Charlotte she held so many of my dearest memories with her I needed to keep her close. She knew what I was really like.
Sighing I locked up the bike outside of her favourite cafe and wandered in, although I couldn't see her I was in desperate need of a drink so I ordered one and looked for somewhere to sit. From the counter covered in milk stains and coffee beans I swore I saw my best friend luke. A spare table sat lonely next to him anyway so I walked closer to see if it really was him, it was, his tall body hunched over a newspaper while he slowly sipped his double tall black Americano. I smiled and sat opposite him, my presence didn't seem to phase him I cleared my throat and he looked up.
"Hey dylan." He smiled rolling his vision back down to a story on a current event about a serial killer loose in Manchester, he sighed and turned the page not looking at me as he did.
"Have you seen Charlotte?" I asked him after taking a mouthful of my own drink, he chuckled to himself, I heard the bell at the door ring but I paid no attention to it.
"Good to see you too dylan. How have you been." Luke smiled, looking up from his paper and making eye contact with me for more five seconds. His gaze faded as he looked towards the door but it locked back on mine when he realised I was serious.
"I haven't seen her since Sunday mate. Why?" He asked, I ran a hand through my hair.
"She found out about Scarlett and flaked out on me. I can't say I blame her. I think Scarlett made her insecure. I can't blame her for that either if I'm honest I mean have you seen Scarlett? God man she's gorgeous."
"Dylan. Calm down. Charlottes your girlfriend. You used to be so happy." Luke pressed me. Trying to make me say something nice but I didn't want to.
"No. I'm sick of her selfish jealous ass. It's not fair. I don't deserve this. I don't even know why I'm in love with her."

Charlottes Pov

After I stormed off I headed for my favourite cafe but not before I went into the library to check out one of my favourite books that had helped me through a lot of rough times.
I went into the cafe to order my usual and thought about getting it to take away but I decided to mix things up a bit and sit in for once. I took a fashion magazine off the shelf and chose a booth in between a family of four and two gays on a date. I pored over the magazine staring at the models. Poking the fat wobbly bits on me that I no longer liked due to some of Dylan's most recent colourful comments. I sighed as realisation hit me, I would never be pretty.
That's when I heard it. A voice from behind me that could only be Dylan's. I could recognise it a mile away. He was with luke.
"She found out about Scarlett and she flaked out on me. I can't say I blame her. I think Scarlett made her insecure. I can't say I blame her for that either if I'm honest I mean have you seen Scarlett? God she's gorgeous."
Wow okay. I didn't know he'd fallen out of love with me. But why keep me close by, why not just ditch me. Twat. But then he said.
"I'm sick of her selfish jealous ass. It's not fair. I don't deserve this. I don't even know why I'm in love with her." well fuck him. I slid out of the booth and grabbed the remainder of my untouched drink. I walked towards him and threw the drink at you. I spat
"I don't need you anyway," before running out of the cafe and running into the car.


I sat in the red living room, on edge one could tell as my elbow rested on my knee, finger in my mouth as I chewed my fingernail vigorously. My toes tapped quickly. The door opened and slammed, my heart skipped a beat, the living room door was thrown open and there stood a coffee covered dylan but instead of a soft face riddled with acceptance that would have been there in the first few weeks of our relationship there stood a man with an angry stance. His jaw and hands clenched. His eyes fifty shades darker than the electric blue they usually were, his shoulders had broadened and his head vein was flaring. I stood up and tried to walk past him but he threw me into the wall.

"What the hell was that?!" He demanded. His forearm against my throat, restricting me from moving or getting much oxygen into my lungs.
"I heard you. I heard what you said and what you think of me so what's the point." I cried not making eye contact. His fists unclenched and I pushed him off making my way upstairs but he pulled me back by my shoulder, balled his fist and swung, a sharp blow to my left temple almost knocked me out. A second blow to my ribs, nearer to my lungs made me collapse to the floor. I begged with my eyes and the way I curled my body up to stop and he simply said.
"I'll stop when you understand that you have to obey me. Silly bitch." he muttered the last bit and walked out.

Dylan o Brien is a monster.

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