Chapter 11

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Charlotte's pov

My vision was blurred as I woke up, when it came back I realised that I was in a hospital bed. Have you ever woken up in a hospital bed with nobody around not remembering how you got there or why? Well, I'll tell you, it's goddamn terrifying. I could hear something outside the room, it was Dylan and Tam together, talking to a doctor about what was wrong with me. We'd been in a car accident? Why did i not remember? The door opened and Dylan walked in, sitting next to me and sighing.

'Talk to her Mr, O'Brien, your voice might wake her up.' What? Wake me up? I am awake, I'm right here.Why can't anyone see me? Why can't anyone hear me?

Jesus christ I'm dying, I'm dying aren't I? How? How did this happen? The last thing I remembered, we were in the park, sleeping under a tree from the rain. We'd had such a good day and then what, my bad driving ruined it? No, I can't die, Dylan needs me, look at him now, he's a mess even thinking about the possibility of me being dead. I know he uses me, and he treats me badly but he'll come around, I love him, with my life and I can't, absolutely cannot do this to him. My head feels like it's full of ants, a god awful buzzing feeling. I really want to reach out and hold his hand, to tell him that I'm okay, but I can't. What about that, do you know what that feels like?

Being unconscious but still being able to hear gives a girl a long time to think. When I really do wake up, praying that it's when Dylan isn't here I'm going to surprise him. To tell him how much he means to me because I know that until I wake up, Dylan's going to be really hard on himself.I want him back, not two weeks ago Dylan, not even a year ago Dylan. I want the Dylan back that I first met, the Dylan I met in the almost empty cafe when I was driving home from my mum's funeral. He was crying, sitting in a booth, being the creepy stalker fan of his I was, I knew him from the back of his head. I went and sat with him, asking if he was okay, he'd argued with his parents. They'd called him a lot of names. Knowing his sensitive nature, I figured it best we didn't talk about it. He'd told me that he greatly respected me for sitting there in silence instead of making him talk about it. It was all that he needed and apparently, that's why he fell for me. He cared for me so much, sometimes too much, people mistook us for twins, regular siblings and even just normal best friends, we weren't a show off couple. I just want him back, that him, the him that cares for me so much that it made me sick. The him that cared for me through hate, broken legs, bruises, periods, colds and the death of our cat.

Thinking about how we met made me think about leaving school, exams and prom night. Once I had left, Dylan said we should move away, he thought it would be a good idea if I didn't live in the same town as the school anymore. Okay fair enough, I had had what you could call a hard time at school with rather a lot of bullying. But I'd made a lot of really really good friends. Not being able to see them, I knew would be difficult but being without the bullies came first, like I said, he was protective so he was just trying to keep me safe. The move didn't however, go down well with my dad, we argued the day I moved out and I left on bad terms. It played on my mind every night for weeks how upset I must have made him but I was happy, being with Dylan and all, so I ignored it. Until, a year later I got the news that now I'd lost both of my parents. One to cancer and one to suicide. It got no less heartbreaking but, throughout it all, Dylan was there.I think, the problem with me, I think too positively of everyone, I don't dwell on the negative because what's the point?

I just really want to wake up and tell Dylan, that I'm okay. I still can't.

Dylan's pov

If I have to see these goddamn hospital walls one more time I swear, I just keep living, the only reason I haven't ended the pain, this heartache is to know, the day that I come into this room and see Charlotte with her eyes open could be today. Walking down the corridor at least, that's what I told myself.

I only have one more week of therapy and then I'm done, I'll be mostly better, I just have to make absolutely sure that I take all my pills. Charlotte's gonna be okay, shes gonna be-

'Mr O'Brien?! Mr O'Brien?!' I heard a woman yelling, she turned the corner and almost collided with me, she took off again and I followed her into Charlotte's room. My heart beat was so fast I thought I might burst something. But it wasn't bad.

It was Charlotte, in her room.

She was sitting up.

Sipping water wit the aid of a doctor.

She has her eyes open.

She was awake.

My baby was awake.

Today was that good day.

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