769 46 0

Published : 20200727

Edited : 20210205

Word count : 0,4k


Jooheon's POV

It has been almost a week since Y/N was taken away from me and I haven't slept ever since. I have been doing nothing but work in the office, asking for updates from Jackson, and occasionally crying out of frustration.

My head shot up as I heard a knock on my door. It then opens up to let Hwasa proceed with her stomping into my office with Seungcheol behind trying to stop her.

"WE NEED TO TALK," Hwasa declared as she stopped walking.

Seungcheol then said, "I'm sorry, I tried stopping her but she insisted."

I waved my hands at him, gesturing to him that it's okay and telling him to leave us. He nodded and closed the door shut.

I then stood up, "So, Hwasa-ssi, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I tried sounding as normal as I could but the lack of nutritional consumption is clearly not supporting the situation. I walked over to the sofa near her and sat down.

"Gosh, you're so terrible at pretending when you're wrecked," she then said to me.

I didn't answer.

She then took a seat on the sofa across where I am seated and huffed.

"Look, I know about your "other business" and Lee Y/N,"she said.

My expression softens on her name.

I then said, "I don't wanna talk about her."

"What? You like her or something?" she asked with a grin plastered on her face.

"What do you want?" I asked sternly.

She then put up a serious face and said, "Look, yesterday, I met Lee Hoseok. He looked so broken. I think he really just wants her sister back. Can't you at least give him that?"

I then snapped, "I can't do that. Besides, how do you find out about me? About Y/N? About all of this?"

She then snapped back, half-yelling, "Your texts! Christ sake, turn on the do not disturb mode on meetings! You said you can't give her back, why?"

I didn't say anything and stood up.

"You can leave now," I said to her while walking behind my desk.

She then stood up and kept demanding answers from me.

"Jooheon-ssi! Why can't you-"

"BECAUSE HE TOOK HER AWAY!" I yelled, answering her.

I then lowered my voice as I continued my sentence, "Hyungwon took her away."

She stayed silent, probably too stunned to respond.

I then say to her, "You should probably go. Thankyou for your concern."

She then nodded and picked up her handbag. Her legs started to walk to the door but my voice stopped her steps.

"Please let me handle this on my own."

She nodded and continued walking out, leaving me to flop on my chair and sighed.

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