Nate Maloley imagine

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Your boyfriend of 7 months was on tour with some of his best friends and you decided you were going to go and visit him because you missed him. Of course the Calls, texts, and facetimes were cute and all but all you wanted to do was hold him in your arms.

He was currently in LA to do a show tonight, so you flew there and when you landed, Sam and the Jacks came and picked you up so you could stay in the hotel they were staying at.

"You know Nate really misses you" Sam said and you just smiled. You guys got to the hotel and the boys left you in front of Nate's door and went off into their rooms.

You were about to knock on the door but you heard moans coming from inside. "You like that?" You heard Nate say, and "mmm it tastes so good" someone else say.

"Hey asscrack" you said walking in and finding Nate looking completely terrified. He was fucking some girl in a Jack in the Box head while eating Chipotle.

"Hey babe" he quietly mumbled, pushing the girl off the bed. "You asshole! You promised me you wouldn't eat Chipotle without me!" You yelled furiously. "Listen y/n! I'm sorry okay, I just couldn't hold the feeling back any longer" he said and you just glared at him.

"Listen it's my fault. I bought it for him" the slut said and you just pushed her out of the window. "She was annoying tbh" you mumbled and Nate nodded. "Well I'll buy you chicken strips if that makes you feel better" he said in hoping of your forgiveness. "Fuck your chicken strips" you mumbled and walked out.

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