Kian Lawley imagine for Jennie

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"Kian! I have to make a video for my channel! Want to be in it?" I asked my best friend Kian. "Sure!" He replied and I told him what it was gonna be about. I planned to just do, as Tyler Oakley would call it, a Q and Slay. I thought I would liven it up though.

Me and Kian put on some raincoats and bucket hats and our swimsuits and went into the bathroom. I placed the camera in front of the shower and angled it so you could see us and not know it was a shower. I put some umbrellas in the shower and opened them up and sat them so they stood up. My shower was like a little room. It had a flat floor and glass doors. The water came from the ceiling and the buttons were on the wall to turn it on.

Me and Kian sat down and he turned the water on cold. "Kian make it warm!" I said. It's not like the viewers were gonna know if it was cold or hot. "Nope rain is cold Jennie!" He smirked and I just huffed. I turned the camera on and got into place.

"Hey guys! It's Jennie and today me and Kian are gonna do an ask Jennian! Okay so i asked you guys to tweet me some of your questions and we are here to answer them!" I said into the camera. "Okay first question! Can Jennie do the crab face?" Kian asked and looked at my. I looked in the camera and attempted the face but I couldn't do it. "Guess that's a no!" He said and we went on to the next question. "Who would win in a mud wrestling match? Jennie or Sam?" I asked and looked at Kian. "I don't know they are both clumsy as fuck. I mean just earlier Jennie was running down the stairs and they swirl like in a circle and she kept running straight and fell off them!" Kian said laughing.

"Okay. What's something you want to do before you die?" Kian asked. "Well I want to go skydiving" he yelled into the camera and I laughed. "Wow Kian! Way to be so blunt about it!" I laughed. "Well what does the princess want to do?" He said batting his eyelashes. We both bursted out laughing and our umbrellas closed. "Kian!" I yelled and he laughed. We got soaked but continued on with the video. "I think before I die I want to kiss in the rain!" I said proudly. We continued on and said our goodbyes.

I went to get up but Kian pulled me back down on his lap. "Kian! I have to edit the video!" I whined. "But before you do-" he said then smashed his lips on mine. It was a light sweet kiss and he smiled into it. When we pulled apart I just looked at him. "Now technically you kissed someone in the rain! But I want to know one thing" he said and I nodded for him to continue. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He said. "Yes!" I smiled and we kissed again. In the middle of our make out session Jc walked into the bathroom.

"Hey Kian have you seen-" he asked then looked at us. "Eww guys come on! I take showers in there. Now I gotta pull out the bleach. It's in the garage. How am I supposed to go in there. It's scary. You really had to do this now. Why not in your room. Dammit Kian!" Jc said and we just laughed at him. We turned off the p and got out. Kian picked me up bridal style and carried me out the bathroom. "You know I have legs" I said and he replied with "but your my princess and princesses shouldn't have to walk" he smiled and kicked his door in. He closed at and we put some new clothes on. I had on one of his shirts and some jazzy panties and some knee high socks. There was no point of putting pants on if his shirt came down mid thigh. We got under his covers in his bed and cuddled. It was getting really hot and so I threw the blankets off of us. We eventualy fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone going off with a ton of notifications and I checked twitter. Jc had taken a picture of us sleeping with the caption "and I thought @kianlawley & @y/t/n couldn't get any weirder!" It was a picture of me and Kian sleeping but he was laying sideways on the bed with one leg up on the wall and the other across me and I had my foot in his face and I was hanging off the bed. I really need new sleeping arrangements.

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