Chris Collins Imagine for Morgan

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Guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I've been having issues because I broke my laptop so I write the imagines on my phone and I broke the charger and it's just ugh. Im in the process if writing a couple more imagines. I will try to have as many up as I can tommorow or early Monday morning. I have to go camping and I don't have wifi. Ugh.


"Boom! Hey guys what's up its Chris and today i have a special video planned. As you can tell by the title, yes, I do have a girlfriend. "

I watched Chris talk about our relationship to his camera, waiting to go in view of it.

"Her name is Morgan and we've been dating for 9 months now and she's absolutely wonderful. I don't know what I would do without her. "

He's looks at me and I walk into view and sit down because he's on his couch.

"Okay so I asked you guys to tweet me with the # "ChrisGotTheBooty" and we are going to answer some of them" he said into the camera.

"Okay what is something that the other person does that bothers you?" He asked and you immediately cut him off and started talking.

"Okay guys, story time!" You laughed into the camera.

"One time me and Chris were in his room laying on his bed under the blankets" you wiggled your eyebrows "and he farted. It was like something had died under that blanket. He shoved me under the blanket and it was like tucked in at the sides so I couldn't get out and I was dying in there. It was bad." I ended, crying from laughing too hard.

"So I hate when you fart " I said with a smile.

"Okay next question guys!" He said into the camera.

"Wait, but you didn't answer the last one" I questioned looking at him.

"Well there isn't anything that you do that bothers me because I love everything about you. The way your beautiful brown eyes light up when you see candy, or when your hair is up in a bun and your wearing something like sweatpants. I just love everything about you." He said with a smile. I kissed his cheek and we continued on for a couple more questions.

"Okay guys remember to like and subscribe!" We yelled into the camera and turned it off. He placed his camera on his desk (not sure if he has one 😂) and we went and cuddled in his bed.

"Have I ever told you I love you?" He whispered into my neck. "All day everyday" I whispered back.

"Have I ever told you I love you" I whispered to him. "All day everyday" he whispered back.

"Maybe all day everyday will be our okay?" I laughed.

"Nah that's too cheesy!" He laughed and we just cuddled and watched movies

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