Sam Pottorff Imagine

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I've been laying bed thinking were they right? Should I break up with Sam? I know I should probably be like "No don't do it you will regret it"...But I'm not. It just feels right not to be together but it also feels right to stay were I am.

I am currently on the middle of the floor in the room I used to share with him crying. Bag packed with everything I own right next to me. In the middle of my crying the door to my room opened and closed. "What's wrong?" They said and right away I new it was him...Sam.

He came and sat down right next to me and looked me in the eyes. I couldn't look up into his brown one because right away I knew I would fall in love with him again and I have to go. "This," I said pointing in between us. "I can't Sam I just can't anymore."

I looked up and I already knew I shouldn't have. He looked so...broken. "Why? Is it me? Listen Y/N I can change. I can be whatever you want, do whatever you want, just please don't leave Y/N," he said, sadness in his voice tears dripping down his face. "Please," he begged now crying.

"Im sorry Sam," I said and with that I walked out if the door. Walking away from all my problems like I always do. It was so hard to restrain myself from dropping everything and run back to him but I cant, and everyone agrees. But most importantly I'm walking away from the most important person in my life.


No one has called or texted me anything about Sam or how he is doing but I guess that is good right? This is what I need...distance. It has been hard. Ever since I left I have sat in the corner of my room on the floor crying. I didn't even feel like moving but my phone was ringing and I needed to get it. I walked to the phone and didn't even bother to look at the caller and just answered it.

"Hello?" I said into the phone, "Hey Y/N its Andrea and I was wondering if you could do me a favor and come over? It's really important," Andrea said into the phone. "Alright," I replied, "I'll be over in an hour because I need to get ready," I said and she replied with,"okay." We both hung up and I went to take a shower.

After my shower I got dressed, curled my hair, and did my make up. I penny boarded to the O2L house because that's where everyone was and I knocked on the door.

Ricky answered and gave me the hugest hug and yelled my name asking where I have been. I just had to hold back the tears and tell him I've been busy. We both walked into the house and Andrea pulled me upstairs.

"Listen Y/N I know this might not be what you want to hear but I need you to go and talk to Sam," she said. Before she could say anything else I cut her off and said okay. I don't even know why I agreed. She went back downstairs and I walked to the door.

In this room is the boy I love and I just couldn't bring myself to open the door. This used to be my room, no our room and I could feel the tears come back. I just toughed it out and opened the door and walked in. I shut the door behind me and turned around to find him laying in the bed asleep.

I walk over to the other side of the bed and laid down facing Sam. He had tear streaks down his face and dark circles under his eyes. He no longer looked like his cheery self. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb and he began to open his eyes.

"Y/N?" He said and it just broke my heart even more. "Yeah Sam?" I replied, not saying anymore because I don't trust my voice. "Please don't go," he said waking up more. "Shhh I'm not going away again, okay?" I said. He replied with an okay. "Now go back to sleep babe," I said, kissing his forehead and I went back to rubbing his cheek.

He took my by surprise and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest and that when I knew. I knew that I loved this boy and it didn't matter what anyone else thought because all that mattered is that I love him and he loves me and that's all I need.

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