Taylor Caniff imagine for Demi

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Achoo! I sneezed again for the 36th time in the past hour. It's currently 3 in the morning and I am up tossing and turning. I am burning hot one minute and freezing cold the next. Nothing is helping me.

I decided I would call my best friend because maybe he would know what to do. "Hello?" He said in a groggy voice, I guess I woke him up. "Hey Taylor, Im really sorry I woke you up but I'm sick and I don't know what to do," I whispered into the phone careful not to wake up my roommate Angie.

"Alright Demi, I'll be over in a few," he said. Before I could say he didn't have to he hung up and I just sat up and played Flappy Bird until he came.

My window opened and Taylor came in with a bag. "You know they made front doors for a reason?" I said not feeling good at all. "I know but it just seemed more fun going through the window," he said laughing. "Your a weirdo," I replied going to turn on my lamp.

Taylor pulled a water bottle and medicine out of the bag. "Here take these," he said and I took them from his hands. "How do I know you didn't poison these?" I asked a slight smirk in my face. "I didn't okay," he said laughing. I took the medicine and put the water bottle on the nightstand.

He pulled out two movies. "Okay Demi this is a serious question," he said. "Okay shoot!" I replied. "17 Again or the Wizards of Waverly Place the Movie?" I just laughed at his choice of movies. "17 Again," I replied laughing in-between the words. He put the disk in my DVD player and he cuddled with me.

The movie ended and we watched the other one too. After we finished both movies we just laid there staring at each other. "Hey Demi, can I ask you something?" He asked me. "Yeah Taylor?" I asked. "I know this might ruin the friendship we have but I just cant hold it in anymore. I love you. It's not no school girl crush its way more than that and words cannot describe it..." "I love you too," I replied looking down blushing.

He pulled my chin up and said, "Demi, I really really like you and it would make my life if you could be the princess in my castle," he said. I laughed and replied with a yes. He leaned in but before we could kiss, I interrupted. "Taylor you cant kiss me, I'm sick," I told him. "I don't care if I get sick, ill risk anything for you," he said with a smile.

We both leaned in and put our foreheads together. We looked into each others eyes and then leaned in and kissed. It was the best kiss I ever had. There were fireworks and people partying. We pulled apart and smiled at each other.

Taylor hugged me and we both fell asleep together in my bed. That night I didn't wake up at all. I woke up to no one next to me and I was worried.

What if it was a dream and that was my mind playing games. What if Taylor never even came to my house and I was just sleeping. I know it couldn't be true because I heard pots and pans come from downstairs and I knew only Taylor was here because Angie had work.

I went downstairs quietly to sneak up on him but it wasn't only him. There were 8 other boys and two girls. I recognized one of the girls as Angie but she was the only one I knew besides Taylor.

Angie looked up to me and nudged the girl next to her in the arm. They both got up and dragged me to Angie's room. They pushed me into Angie's bathroom and closed the door. "Take a shower and do everything like shave your legs and stuff!" I heard from the other side of the door. I grabbed all the stuff I needed from the cabinet and got in the shower.


"Okay Mahogany we have exactly four hours to get her ready for that date, when she gets out tell her to put on those sweats and a tank top so we don't get her clothes dirty getting her ready. Im going to get all my makeup and junk from the other room.


Demi got out of the shower and I gave her the clothes and told her to change so she went back into the bathroom. She was done before Angie came back so I told her to sit in the chair while I blow dried her hair.

"Oh I forgot to mention my names Mahogany and I and the boys you saw earlier are all Taylor's friends. "I said. "Ooh okay well I'm Demi!" She replied with a smile. "Can you tell me what's going on?" She asked. "Im sorry I cant because its a surprise," I replied with a smile. We talked about girl things and who the boys were and what we do and I can already tell her and Angie and I are going to be good friends.

Angie came back with a ton of things and told me how to do Demi's hair. It was simple, I just had to put some things in her hair and curl it with a bubble wand.


"Close your eyes," Angie instructed and I did. After about 2 and a half hours my hair was curled to perfection and my makeup was done perfectly. They gave me my dress and I put it on. I looked so beautiful. I thanked the girls and they told me to go downstairs.

We walked out if the room and down the hallway. Angie was wearing someone else's clothes and a mustache. She had her hair up under a hat and a fake beard. She looked ridiculous and im pretty sure they were Carter's clothes. I just stopped walking and started laughing. "What?" Angie asked. "What are you wearing?" I asked. She just looked at me and shook her head.

We arrived at the top of the stairs and from the bottom I can see a well-dressed Taylor, Carter in a dress, and the rest of the guys.

Angie put her arm out for me to hold on to. I can tell she was trying hard not to laugh and so was everyone else. When we got down the stairs she handed me to Taylor and went and stood by Carter. "Look honey our little daughters all grown up," Carter said with a womanly voice. "I know sweety," Angie said in a deep voice pretending to wipe fake tears. They hugged each other and pretended to cry. It was so hard not to laugh.

"Now listen here buddy. You better take good care if my daughter and no funny business!" Angie said in a deep voice while thrusting her hips. We couldn't take it anymore and everyone burst out laughing.

I walked with Taylor to the door and he opened it for me. Tonight I know is going to be one of the best nights in my life.

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