The Message

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Gogo's POV

I got up to reach for my phone. I opened the message and I was staring at my phone like an idiot. Why? Hiro messaged me! It's for first time in forever that he messaged me. And I kept reading his text for three times. I slapped myself on the face really hard to check if this is a dream. Yep, I'm awake! He texted me:

Hi Gogo. I know it's kinda late but can you come over here at the cafe tomorrow? Please say yes. -Hiro

Really? Is he inviting me to a date? If it is, that would be not nice because we didn't even confess yet. But I just replied.

Uh, yeah, sure. What time should we meet? -Gogo.

I tapped the send button and waited patiently for his reply. One minute later it rang.

I don't know. Maybe after lunch? -Hiro

Okay. Wait, will your brother be there tomorrow? -Gogo

No, eventually because he's having a date with Honey Lemon. -Hiro

Wait, a date? I should ask her about it.

Oh, good. It's getting late. Maybe we should rest now. See you tomorrow, then? -Gogo

See you tomorrow, Go Go. Night! :) -Hiro

And our convo stops there. And hey, did he really say 'good night' to me? That's kinda sweet, actually. I turned off the lights and texted Honey Lemon.

Hey, guess who I got I text from? -Gogo

I waited for two minutes for her reply and it rang. I quickly opened it and it read:

Um, I don't know. From Hiro? -Honey Lemon

Nice guess! But how did you know easily? -Gogo

If he texted you, I'm sure he already told you about it. -Honey Lemon

Huh? What "it?" What did Hiro tell me? He just said that he wanted me to come over the cafe tomorrow after lunch. But I just asked her anyway.

What's the 'it,' Honey Lemon? -Go Go

Hahaha, you already forgot? Did you remember Hiro mentioning that Tadashi and I are going on a date tomorrow? -Honey Lemon

Snap my fingers! Yeah, he did text me that!

Oh, yeah, right. I guess he did. Any clues on what are we going to do tomorrow? -Gogo

Hey, I'm not a fortune teller to see your future. And I have an advice. -Honey Lemon

And what's that? -Gogo

If ever he confesses to you, just say your feelings from the heart. -Honey Lemon

Confess about what? -Gogo

-_- That he likes you, silly. He doesn't know that you like him back yet. But you already know that he likes you. -Honey Lemon

Okay, I thought that he is going to confess to me that he loves me. But that will take some time, right?

Um, okay. Thanks for that. We should better sleep for our day tomorrow, right? -Gogo

Of course, we should. Night! -Honey Lemon

Yeah, night! -Gogo

After that, I quickly fell asleep. I really wonder what we are going to do tomorrow.


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