Three Days Later

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Gogo's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My alarm woke me up bright and early. I turned it off and got up from bed. Today's the day that I have to go to school. By the way, the name's Gogo Tomago. My family and I just moved here in San Fransokyo last week.

I haven't made any friends except the one I met back at the bookshop three days ago. I forgot his name but maybe he'll be attending the same school as mine. Oh, the school I'm attending is Nerd School. Pretty nerdy, huh? I heard that it's a Science major. And I do love Science. I've been working on something that deals with it but I think I need more knowledge to perfect it.

I went to the bathroom, took a shower and went downstairs to have breakfast.

My mom greeted me when she saw me coming downstairs. She prepared my breakfast for me. Mmm. Poku noodles. Just the way it's perfectly cooked.

"Gogo, sweetie," my mom called for my attention.

"Yeah, mom?"

"Be a good girl and I hope you will love staying in your new school," my mom adviced me.

"I will," I responded.

I got up from my seat and hugged my mom good-bye. I picked up my stuff and she said, "Be safe, dear."

I smiled and called to her, "Bye mom! Love you." And she also waved back.

I walked my way to the nearest bus stop I could find. I sat there and waited.


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