I don't know

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"We're glad you came Y/n." The principal said as I walked in. I left the door open and sat down across his desk.

"The officers will be here soon." The principal informed. I just nodded and watched the old man neatly stack papers.

"So how's your new teacher?" The principal asked. I just let out a 'mmm' and said, "He's not the worst I guess."

"He's only 22. That's incredible isn't it? Being that talented at such young age. How are your studies?" He asked. I just let out another 'mmm' and said, "Not bad." In a blank and bored tone.

"Sorry for the wait." Someone said from behind, as the door closed. I just sat still and kept staring at the papers.

"Ahhh, no problem, come in and have a seat." The principal politely said, pointing at the couch. "You too." He said me.

I nodded and got up from the chair and headed to the couch where the officer was sitting.

"Would you like some tea?" The principal offered the officer and I. I politely shook my head and the officer said, "Thank you. I'll pass."

The principal nodded and sat down on a chair across us. "So shall we start?" The officer said to me.

I nodded and made myself comfortable.

"First of all, we need to know how you got out of the warehouse." The officer asked, with a notebook and pen out in his paws.

"Well, I told Riz to talk to me like an equal and let me go. He untied me and we talked. Then there was a glass break from behind. There was a big figure, that stayed hidden inside the shadows. He started saying things that I don't really remember. I used that chance to escape and I did." I explained. The officer nodded and started writing things in his notebook.

"Describe the figure." The officer finally said. I thought about the most logical thing to say.

"I don't know for sure, it was hiding in the shadows. It was big and buff. It must've been a carnivore." I lied.

The officer looked at me and gave me the 'I don't think I believe you' look. "And what makes you think it's a carnivore?" He questioned.

I let out an annoyed sigh and started explaining, "Well, first of all, I can smell. The scent was faint but it wasn't a herbivore's scent. And second, if it were a herbivore than it wouldn't be able to go up against a carnivore unarmed, but that's the thing. Why would a herbivore hide in the shadows? I don't know how to explaint this.... the carnivore didn't come out because he didn't want any clues to be lead to him. So, he wanted to hide his identity. That probably doesn't make sense, does it? Never mind."

The officer thought for a while before saying, "Yeah, that makes sense. Thank you for being specific. So what did you and Riz talk about?"

"He was talking about how he regrets everything. He also mentioned something about committing suicide." I lied.

"What did he say he regretted?" The officer asked, while writing a few things in his notebook.

I blankly said, "He didn't tell me. How is he? I mean Riz." I asked at the end.

"Somethings not adding up." The officer said rubbing his chin. "If you ran out and the person helping you didn't show up that only means he's a herbivore."

"And what makes you think that?" I asked.

"You asked, 'how is Riz.' Well you should've heard the gun shot. He was shot. And if you ran out than the shooter would follow you and try to end you because you would lead us to him. He could've easily fight you since he's a 'carnivore' and he had a gun. Why didn't he kill you."

"Why would he wanna kill someone he rescued? I didn't know that Riz was dead. I heard the gun shot, but I didn't know the shooter would kill him. When I heard the shot I was thankful that he'd be slow led down from the wound he got." I simply fired back.

The police thought about and finally nodded and agreed.

"Where we're you on that night? The teacher and doctors said that you didn't tell anyone. The next day you came and collapsed on class. Do you mind telling us?" The principal kicked in.

I sighed and said, "It's personal but I guess I'll tell you. I was at a love hotel, with my boyfriend. It think you know why I had a headache now." I lied again.

The principal's eyes widened and he let out a sigh, "I cant say anything other than, please, don't do those things on a school night." The officer slightly blushed covering his mouth.

"I'm sorry sir." I simply said. "Am I free to go now?" I impatiently asked.

The principal and officer shot each other a look and the officer said, "Yes, thank you for telling us these things. We'll make sure to make use of this information. Thank you, you may go now."

I nodded and got off the couch before bowing down and heading out the door. The investigation went surprisingly fast. I walked down the halls and back into the classroom.

When I opened the door everyone started staring at me and whispering amongst themselves. I sighed before saying, "The principal didn't have any spare uniforms. Sorry for being late, the principal asked me to take some boxes across the school."

"Oh, in that case it's fine. Please don't forget your uniform next time. Please take a seat." The gazelle said with his eyes closed.

I let out a 'tch' before heading to my seat and staring outside the window. I watched the sky slowly turn grey, as rain clouds gathered up together. I let out a sigh before thinking of the hybrid and the first time we met.

Headaches {{Melon × Reader}}Where stories live. Discover now