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After arriving at a ramen place I offered myself some food and sat down waiting for my order to arrive. As I scrolled through my phone I saw a news about Melon pop up.

He didn't get a lot of recognition online. I think the police didn't want the citizens to panic when they saw Melon. Because that obviously would cause their lives.

As I was reading the article, the headache started again and as I was about to put my hand on my head but a kiss was gently places onto it and my hands landed on someone else's cheek.

I waited for whoever it was to stop and a few seconds later the pair of lips left my head, and my eyes shot up to see who it was.


I was greeted with a genuine smile on his face as he said, "You must really like ramen." before taking a seat next to me. I shook my head and said, "It's the only thing I can afford."

He pulled me into a hug and said, "I missed you." in a low and husky tone. I didn't flinch at this affection. Or was it affection.

"I didn't." I bluntly stated. He didn't break our hug but gripped onto me tighter and said, "Harsh. Sometimes you seem to be the villain. In our story."

"We don't have a story. Also why are you here?" I said a bit upset.

"Well, I came here to eat." Melon said as he let go. I sat back and said, "I thought you liked fast food."

A hum escaped his lips and he said, "Are you my secret stalker?" A smile appeared on his face and I said, "No, I just saw you walk in fast food places a few times."

I earned another hum and he said, "Did you order your food?" And I nodded in response as I continued reading the article.

"That's my first time being on the news." He hummed. I nodded and looked over to him and said, "Remember when we first met?"

He thought for a bit and said, "Of course. How could I forget. Do you still wanna eat me?"

"Not really. I consider you a friend now." I admitted.

"Hmm, friends can still kiss and hug." He said with a hum as he leaned over to me. I didn't move back or anything. I just felt like there was no use to it anymore.

As he was about to kiss me I closed me eyes in defeat and waited... and waited.

Nothing happened, I opened my eyes and saw a pained look on Melon's face. Then I felt a liquid touch my hand and when I looked down I saw a blade sunk deep into Melon's hand.

I quickly grabbed his hand and slowly pulled the blade out. Melon's face didn't change at all. Except for now he was just staring down at me.

"Ma'am! I need some bandages and some disinfectant!" I called out in worry. Melon placed his other hand on mine and when I looked up his lips landed onto mine.

I pulled away and said, "Stop, right now we should worry about your hand."

After pulling out the blade I put it on the table and helped him up. Without resisting he followed orders and I led him to the bathroom. Did I care that he would be in he girl's bathroom? Not really. Did I wanna go to the boy's bathroom? Never.

We walked in and I made him stay inside and wash his hands until i came back with the first aid kit.


Seconds later, I returned with the kit and saw Melon stare at the mirror with his hands firmly gripped onto the edges of the sink.

I walked over to him and opened the tamp running cold water and put his bleeding hand under the running water.

"Leave your hand in there." I said before opening the aid kit and pulling out a roll of bandages and some disinfectant. I then proceeded to pull Melon's hand out and dried it with the towel before spraying a butt load of disinfectant on the deep cut and wrapping it with the bandage.

A few wraps later I cut the bandage and tied the access around his hand. I was dead worried for him. What else could he have been doing to himself. I placed the scissors on the edge of the sink and grabbed his other hand and said, "I feel like I'm dealing with a child."

Melon opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off by pulling him into a tight hug. He seemed shocked by the sudden affection, but soon grew into it and hugged me back.

"You're making me shit worried!" I yelled. The empty bathroom echoed my words over and over again.

Melon rested his head on my shoulder and said, "Does this mean you love me?"

I didn't break the hug and hugged him even tighter. "No, you big idiot."

It felt like I was lying to myself, and the thought made my heart start beating fast.

"Your heart seems to be saying otherwise." Melon hummed as he dug his face further into me shoulder. "You're a great person. I wanna protect you." He said with a sigh.

I loosened my hug and said, "Then do that." as my heart started beating faster. A chuckle escaped Melon's lips and he gently said, "Your heart is beating so fast." making my face heat up.

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