What are you doing here?

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As I walked down the streets towards my dorm building, I was stopped by an officer. I looked up at him and stared at him while he looked at me then at a paper he was holding.

"Is there something you need sir?" I asked with a tired and a bit pissed off tone. The officer neatly folded the paper and shoved it into his pocket. "Is your name Y/n L/n?" The officer asked. I just sighed in annoyance.

"How and Why does everyone know my damn name?!" I said in a tone a bit higher than an inside voice. The officer pinched the bridge of his nose before grabbing onto my paw and walking towards his car.

"What are you doing?! You damn bird!" I cursed while resisting, and trying to pull away. "Just calm down ma'am. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm looking for you with other groups of officers. You were reported missing by the Cherryton Academy." He said trying to calm me down.

"I'm heading there. I need to go to my dorm room, I'm tired." I said, finally freeing my paws from his grip.

"I'll drive you there and settle things with the school. Tomorrow the police station will put you out of class and question you on what happened." The officer said. I just shook my he a in response.

"Sure take me out of class tomorrow, but I refuse to get in that car. I'm walking to the dorms." I quickly said. The bird looked at me and said, "We have to make sure you'll get back safe, and it's faster by car. I expect you understand and get in immediately." The officer said, trying to keep his cool.

I sighed while nodding and saying, "Lead the way." The officer started leading the way to his car, and I followed him.

Soon we arrived to the officer's police car and I opened the door. I walked in and sat down in the back seat slamming the door behind, causing the officer to slightly jump. The officer then sat in the driver's seat and started the engine.

We drove for a while. The officer tried to start a conversation at times, but I just shut him up every time. I wasn't in the mood for everything. That hybrid's face pissed me off every time I saw it, that damn grizzly was annoying. How dare he think that I'm like him, a lowlife.

Throughout the whole ride back to the dorms I just sat in the backseat looking outside the window and thinking about the day I first met that hybrid.

I dazed off into my thoughts, forgetting about my surroundings.

"We're here. Go get some rest and be ready for tomorrow." The officer said. I snapped out of my thoughts and left the car.

I watched the vehicle slowly drive away. Then when it was out of sight I walked to the dorm building and soon arrived at my room.

I slowly opened the unlocked door, to see Sheila laying in her bed staring up into the ceiling. I walked over to my bed and plopped into it. She turned to me and greeted me with a smile.

We were both leopards, but we didn't have a lot in common. None of us knew what the other was up to. The onky time we met was in our dorm room, and in the hallways. We didn't take the same class although we were the same age. I was just a few months younger.

"How was your day?" She asked me all casually. I just shrugged and said, "I was kidnapped." She looked at with shocked eyes. Her jaw dropped open and she asked again, "Are you alright?! How'd it happen?"

I just shrugged again like it was nothing. "It wasn't as bad as you think it was. I was just... Riz." I said. This answer shocked her even more. "You mean the one from the drama club?" She asked in misbelief. I just nodded and she snapped, "Why'd he ever do that?!"

I just shrugged again and said, "I'll tell you a secret but you can't tell anyone ok." She nodded and I sat up.

"He's the one who ended Tem's life." I said. Her eyes widened as a single tear fell from her eyes. I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her. She was now sitting and soon, more tears started running down her face.

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