Our first meet

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Y/n: fuck there's nothing good and fresh in the black market.
Aoba: honestly I think these are good, right Bill.
Bill: These are amazing!
Y/n: y'all boring. I'm outta here.
Aoba: want me to save some for you?
Y/n: hah nice joke, just put it in front of my dorm as well will ya. Bye.
Y/n POV:
It's so boring. There's nothing good either. Where do they even get the meat. Lol prolly just dig the bodies out the grave. I'm craving fresh meat. Damn it! I need to seize my hunger... I'll just go back... damn.. life sucks...
*** where the fuck am I? Damn it! I guess I'm lost. Oh there's someone!
Y/n: um excuse me?
Y/n POV:
H-he's a herbivore.. well this is gonna be fun. I'm so hungry!
???: Hahaaaa hehe hahahaha
Y/n: what's so funny? Well that doesn't matter anymore. I'm gonna eat you up! It's my turn to laugh now. Here I come~ *bites into hand* damn you're good.

That's the moment you feel some fangs sink into your skin. You let go and look at him. You can feel his fangs sink deeper and deeper into your other arm.
Y/n: WTF! Who are you! Let go you damn bastard!

You give him a good kick and he let's go.
Y/n: who are you?!
Melon: let me introduce myself... I'm am Melon. Half gazelle, half leopard. Nice to meet you. And you are.
Y/n: well this is interesting. I'm Y/n a leopard. Nice to meet you as well.
Melon: heh. You're an interesting one as well. *puts hands in pocket* !!!
Y/n: looking for this? *points gun at him* heh, you're a hybrid. Can't trust you as much can I?
Melon: wow, I'm actually impressed. It's hard to do that. Well you really are an intersesting one, and aren't you.
Y/n: I'll be keeping this for now. I'll give it back a bit later.
Melon: heh so you aren't planning to shoot me.
Y/n: nah. Not really in the mood.
Melon: so what are doing in the black market alley?
Y/n: (oh so this is the place I'm in) shouldn't I be the one asking you? I heard a lot about hybrids. They do not eat meat or greens. Right?
Melon: you are quite intelligent for someone who looks like an idiot, and with those sneaky skills. Hehe.
Y/n: hey! That's not funny. You know I get good grades too.
Melon: so you still go to school? Heh so juvenile.
Y/n: no I'm no-
Gouhin: who's here!
Y/n: who's that?
Melon: help!!! Someone! This carnivore is trynna eat me!!!
Y/n: you damn bitch! Why yo-
Gouhin: *hits her head* damn are you good.
Melon: thank you for saving my life.... that was really close.
Gouhin POV:
This is weird. He's smiling even though he's bleeding.
Gouhin: your arm. Let's go I'll help you out.
Melon: it's ok. Thank you.
Gouhin: are you sure?
Melon: yes, positive.
Gouhin: ok, if you say so.
Melon: I'll head out now. Thank you for saving me. *leaves*
Gouhin: what a weird guy. Anyways what do I do with this carnivore... damn it
Aoba: hey where's Y/n? It's already been an hour since she left.
Bill: lol I don't know. Maybe she finally found a guy to hook up with?
Aoba: haha, very funny. But jokes aside, seriously aren't you worried?
Bill: honestly, not a singly bit. You know her shell kick everyone's ads if she wants to. She'll be fine, chill out man.
Aoba: ok, I guess you're right.
Y/n POV:
Fuck, my head.... !!! Where am I?!
Gouhin: I see you're awake.
Y/n: why the fuck am I here!
Gouhin: you should have thought about it before you tried eating that innocent gazelle. You know I could turn you in to the police.
Gouhin: then explain why he had his arm bleeding.
Y/n: ....he's a hybrid! Fine... the food in the black market was shit. I went out to explore so I ended up in the alley and boom I see a herbivore, and I couldn't seize my hunger and bit his arm, and nothing more. Then in a few seconds he bit my other arm. I could feel his fangs sink in deeper and deeper. Are you happy now.
Gouhin: huh I see. So why exactly do you think meat here is shit?
Y/n: haha, didn't really know you were the type of guy who swore. Well the meat here tastes dead. I need some new and raw meat. Ya know what I mean. Where do you get the meat from anyway?
Gouhin: it's no secret. People who die in the hospital. We secretly get the dead bodies and bring it here.
Y/n: damn, by the way can you let me go. Like uncuff me? It's really annoying; these chained and cuffs.
Gouhin: ok, no problem *uncuffs you*
Y/n: thanks. Anyways when can I leave?
Gouhin: in a while, let's go to my office room. I'll give you some tea and let's have a small talk.
Y/n: ok.
I'm Gouhin's office
Gouhin: take a seat.
Y/n: ok
Gouhin: here's your tea.
Y/n: thanks *takes a sip* ugh.... *swallows it down* what is this made out of?
Gouhin: bamboo. You need to learn how not to rely on meat only. You have to learn to seize your hunger.
Y/n: ya ya I heard that.
After a while of talking*
Y/n: I have to go now. Thanks for having me here.
Gouhin: anyhime. Oh before you go. Here.
Y/n: what's this?
Gouhin: its a book about hybrids, like the one we saw today.
Y/n: ok, thanks again. Bye!
Gouhin: mhm.
Y/n POV:
That's a strange panda.... oh shit! I forgot about school. Damn it....nits prolly closed by now.... damn it. Let's see how much money I have in my pocket. 5000 yen. Ok that must be enough for a hotel. Now let's see what hotels there are.... Aoba must be so worried.... and that Bill... I don't even know. *** (after a while of searching) damn it! I can't find any hotels under my budget. God! The only hotel I can afford I the love hotel... but I can't enter without alone.
???: need help...
Y/n POV:
That voice sounds familiar.
Y/n: who's that?
Melon: wow you really do have bad memory.
Y/n: you!!!
Melon: me. I think you need a little hand here don't you?
Y/n: no, and especially not from you.
Melon: oww, that hurt my soul.
Y/n: since when do you have one?
Melon: .... so you are planning on sleeping on the streets tonight. How sad.
Y/n: that's none of your concerns.
Melon: well ok. I guess I'll take myyyyy leave then.
Y/n POV:
That bastard! But I do need somewhere to stay, but the chances of getting killed are too high. Wait!!! I still have his gun.
Y/n: wait!
Melon: huh? Yes?
Y/n: uh, help me....
Melon: gladly.
Y/n: but, under a few conditions. *takes gun out and points at him* 1. You can not kill me today. 2. You sleep on the floor. 3. If anything happens I'll expose you. Understood.
Melon: I wouldn't waste my charms on you.
Y/n: good, because I wouldn't either. Let's go. *inside* can we have one room for a night?
Key person: we dont allow single people in.
Melon: she's with me.
Key person: oh ok. Here's your key. Room 301.
Y/n: thank you.
Key person: that'll be 2500 yen.
Y/n: he-
Melon: here. *hands money*
Key person: thank you.

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