Chapter 14

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We spent most of the next day in the cabin, leaving only for the drive-in movie. We stopped for popcorn and snacks and then found a good spot behind a smaller car.

Loki was quiet for most of it and I was worried he might be bored but I was too wrapped up in the story to say anything. I had seen the movie tons of times and read the book so much it was starting to fall apart. My copy of Persuasion looked even worse and don't get me started on the Brontë sisters. I'd had to replace my copies of their books more than once.

It wasn't until the movie was finished that I started the car and turned to Loki. I expected him to be fast asleep but he was watching me with a small smile on his face. "You can quote most of it, I see." He murmured.

Smiling sheepishly, I nodded. "Kinda. What'd you think?"

He shrugged. "It was not terrible. I wanted someone to just tape the mother's mouth shut though, that would be nice. Or perhaps the cousin."

I laughed. "Trust me, she's written characters so much more annoying. I had to close some of her books sometimes, I just couldn't handle the stupidity."

He was still deep in his thoughts so he only chuckled absently before turning towards the window. We were halfway to the cabin when the rain started. I was glad it had waited until the movie ended. Thunder rumbled in the distance. I had a feeling it would be a bad one. Loki felt tense beside me but I didn't say anything.

Once inside, I hurried to bed. Loki muttered a goodnight and closed his door. I sighed and nuzzled under the sheets just as the storm started in full swing. It seemed like the world faded away behind the rain. I stretched and sighed contently, preparing for a good night's sleep to the lullaby of thunder and pounding water.

A knock at the door made me sit up just as I was falling asleep. I rolled out of bed and padded to the door, opening it to squint at Loki. He had the hem of his shirt in his hands and he wrung it nervously as he looked at me. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I um... I was wondering if I might sit with you? Unless you were falling asleep of course. Did I wake you?" He swallowed and looked nervously at the window when lightning flashed.

I bit my lip, realizing that the storm must remind him of Thor. Nodding, I let him in. He went to the right side of the bed, the one closest to the door. I went to the other side and rolled back under the covers, shuffling over until I was against Loki's side. He wrapped one arm around my waist, his hand brushing idly up and down my side. I rested my head against his shoulder and thought of something to help him.

If I asked him to tell me what bothered him, he'd probably refuse. But what if I told him something about me first?

"I'm afraid of the dark." I murmured.

His hand paused on its drift down my side and his palm came to rest on my hip. It tensed quickly when thunder cracked and then relaxed again. He took a deep breath. "Pardon?" He turned his head towards me, his lips brushing the top of my head. I looked up at him.

"I never got over my fear of the dark." I pointed towards the light coming from my phone. I had an app that worked as an alarm and nightlight. "And I'm terrified of turning around and finding someone behind me when I thought I was alone. Too many scary movies." I laughed softly at myself and rested my head against his shoulder.

Loki's hand went back to drifting along my side. He was silent for a long moment before I felt his voice rumble in his chest. "I am frightened of thunderstorms."

"Do they remind you of Thor?"

He nodded. "And the Bifrost sometimes. When it opens it disrupts the atmosphere. In thinner atmospheres, it moves so fast it breaks the sound barrier. I keep thinking they're coming back for me."

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