Chapter 10

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It was a three hour drive to the cabin and it was eleven o'clock in the morning when we started getting ready to go. I stepped into the living room to find Loki just zipping up his duffel bag. He had reverted to his Asgardian form only after we had breakfast.

He had shifted nervously and pulled absently at the web of his thumb but he tried to act normal, I think because he thought it made me happy. Which it did. I carefully avoided mentioning it and he seemed happy with that. He even kissed me, which was an interesting experience. I wasn't sure if it was the cold or something about his powers but my lips tingled.

Now, we packed the things into the truck and grabbed some snacks. Once on the road, Loki turned the radio to the jazz station, his new favorite genre. I rolled the windows down and looked over at him. "So what do you want to do up there?"

He looked at a loss for a moment. "I don't know. There are those hiking trails I mentioned and some nice places to eat. Oh, I forgot! How much do you like Jane Austen?"

I smiled. "Love her. Favorite author."

"Good." He leaned over to dig around in his duffel bag, which sat on the backseat. "I procured tickets to a drive through showing of Pride and Prejudice. With your card, actually. I'm surprised you didn't notice. Would you like to go?"

"Sure! Since you bought them already." I mock glared at him but they couldn't have been that much money so whatever. "And we can just stay inside and chill by the fire if there's nothing else."

"I'd quite like spending the entire weekend in bed but that wouldn't really help in courting you." He smiled suggestively. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"We're not spending the entire time in bed. And we're not sharing. You have your own room." He muttered something under his breath but I only smiled. "You'll find I'm immune to your sorcery and seduction."

He laughed. He had this strange laugh that he only seemed to give when he was comfortable. His laugh around others was a little more subdued, like a chuckle. But his normal one was cute. His tongue stuck out just a little. It was kind of short and repetitive. His eyes would light up and he'd lean back, thoroughly enjoying himself.

I shook my head and smiled at him. "You can try but you will fail."

"We'll see about that." He laughed again.

We talked about everything and nothing for most of the ride, stopping once for gas. We went into the station really quick and stocked up on an extremely unhealthy amount of candy and soda. About twenty dollars worth. We stuffed ourselves during the rest of the drive, going into a serious sugar rush. I had to pull over at least twice we were laughing so hard over something totally random. At about one, Loki fell asleep. He'd figured out how to lower the seat so he stretched out and turned on his side, knocked out.

I was stopped at a red light when I looked over and found myself staring at him. His hair was always perfectly slicked back but now it was a little mussed, strands falling over his pale face. I was about to reach out and fix it when a horn honked. He jumped and looked up at me. I turned and pressed the gas, hoping he wouldn't realize I was staring.

"You have quite the habit of gawking, pet. I know I'm gifted with amazing looks, but you don't really try to hide your fascination." He grinned up at me, his eyes shining with amusement. I sighed and slapped my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up. I was just looking."

His green eyes narrowed in a grin and he chuckled. I didn't move my hand for a moment and suddenly I felt something warm and wet brush my palm. I jerked my hand away and looked at Loki, eyes wide. I returned my eyes to the road but didn't miss him smirk and lick his lips. He turned away and I expected him to go back to sleep when he spoke again.

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