Chapter 6

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The Twilight Saga: Firelight

Chapter 6: Vampires

Bella's POV


Edward had told me a little more about what we were, vampires. We couldnt blush, which I was so thankful for, but I was excited and curious to learn more. Being told your a vampire should be a shock, but I wasn't shocked, it was like, I knew? Weird...

"So, can we like, go in the sun?" If I were human, I would of been blushing a deep shade of red. Now that I knew we were vampires, I knew I couldn't blush. 

He chuckled at my question. "Sort of, we can go in sunlight, we just dont when humans are around," He answered.

I was about to ask him why, when I thought back to what happened earlier. Vampires, white skin, sparkling skin, we could sparkle. Wait, we sparkle? That is odd. I thought vampires burned if they stood in sunlight? What other myths were going to be broken?

When around humans, it all started making sense. We couldn't show in sunlight, because we would sparkle. If humans saw that, they'd know something was different about us. Thats kind of horrible. A lot of places are sunny, I guess I got lucky, being turned in Forks, the most rainest place.

"Right, sparkling, I kind of figured that one out myself," I muttered. So many questions I could ask, but I knew of only one at this time. "You said elk, drinking animal blood. Usually vampires drink human blood, right? Why do you drink animal blood and not human?" I struggled to get the last words out. Humans are my friends, I used to be one, I dont want to hurt them, or anyone. Maybe I could drink animal blood too? I wouldn't be hurting anyone.

It was quiet for a while, the whole time he was staring at me. I didn't know why, but I kind of liked it, the idea and thought of him looking at me for a period of time...

"I dont want to be a monster." He finally answered. "My family, we think of ourselfs as vegetarians, because we only survive on the blood of animals,"  

I honestly didn't expect that. He was so incredible. Wow! Bella get ahold of yourself, snap out of it. Think of something else, vampires, not him.

"Do we sleep?" I asked, changing the subject. If I were still human, I would of been blushing. The way I asked the question was kind of dirty, though I didnt mean to make it sound that way.

He laughed. "No, we cant sleep, at all,"  

Hmm, that was good. No more nightmares, no more snoring. Apparently to Charlie and Renee, I snore. I know I don't snore! At least I wouldnt talk in my sleep? I knew that was probably true, although I would like to know what I'm saying when I am sleeping.

"Im a bit curous, you're very hard for me to read," He said suddenly. "Just tell me one thing, what are you thinking?" I wonder what he meant by very hard to read. What does that even mean? Does he mean like read minds or something? It was odd...

"Everything, there is so much room in my head, I can think of everything at once," I admitted. I didnt know what he was getting at, but it was kind of creeping me out. I didnt mind it though, the most beautiful man in the world was standing a few feet in front of me, and if he wanted to know something, I would tell him. If he wanted to stare at me, I'd let him. Who wouldnt though? 

He just sat there, staring at me with wide eyes. Was he trying to figure me out maybe? Either way I knew he wasnt going to talk, so I decided to ask more questions.

"So, where does your family live?" I also decided it was time to stop being a coward, I had to talk to him face to face; I looked over at him again, he was standing a few feet away from me. I could probably touch him if I put my arm out, and reached, but I wasn't going to.

"Not to far from here, " he answered automaticly, he looked in the opposite direction, and pointed through the forest. "Just over the river, would you like to go to the house now, or stay here?" He smiled at me for a brief second, then suddenly turned his head the other way.

I stared after him. Why was he looking that way? Was someone there? What would he be staring at? I took a deep breath, to see if anyone was there, but in the next second, I was moving fast through the forest. I was going fast, too fast, faster than a human ever could run, faster then a car, a plane, than any animal. I was chasing the most delicious thing.

Which could only mean one thing, the only thing that would ever smell delicious to me now, blood. Human blood. I knew I had to stop, I knew I couldn't hurt the human, but why wasnt I stopping? I wanted to stop and run in the other direction, back to Edward.

I heard someone close behind me, I turned to see Edward. He was following me, maybe trying to stop me from hurting the human? Sucking their blood?

Air hissed up my throat, splitting through my clenched teeth with a low, menacing sound like a swarm of bees. I was too shocked, I suddenly froze. I didn't know what to do. I knew I had to run, but could I?

Bad news? My throat burned, and it didnt stop. I put the thought to the back of my mind, I couldnt think about that right now, it would make everything worse.

I couldnt believe I hissed at Edward, it was uncalled for. I didnt even know how I did, or why? I guess my body had a mind of its own.

I thought everything through for about half a second, before I held my breath and ran full speed in the opposite direction, back to the spot we were at, back to his families house; I thought I lost Edward back there, but I spoke to soon.

I saw him, standing in front of me, in front of the river. How did he get there so fast? And how and where did he know where I was going? I was so confused!

As soon as he spotted me, his face turned to complete shock. "How did you do that?" He asked me. Do what? Thats odd, I dont recall doing anything. Hmm...

I blinked a few times, than took a deep breath. "Do what?" 

"Run away," He stated calmly. What does he mean? DId he want me to hurt the human? For all I know, it could of been someone I knew! 

"I held my breath, I'm sorry I hissed at you, I didn't really know what I was doing," I explained. I saw him blink a couple of times, before he put a heartbreaking smile on his dazziling face.

I just stared at him, bewildered. Why was he doing this to me? It was hard enough keeping myself in line, controling my thoughs, and sudden actions I felt like doing towards him, and he has to do this? Did he want me to like rape him? Wait, what was I even thinking? Stop it Bella!  Think about something else, come on! Dont think about him, dont think about his beautiful...

Oh who am I even kidding!

Without even thinking about what I was doing, like before, I suddenly ran from where I was, and launched myself at him. He caught us before we could both fall on the ground though, and I crushed my lips to his. I instantly wished I hadn't because I was craving more. It was like he was a drug, he was my drug, my personal hell.

His lips were smooth against mine, soft at first. He was the same temperture as me, but I couldnt help but feel a little heated as soon as our bodies came in contact. There was so much passion, or in my mind there was.  More and more was building, slowly.

I wasnt sure if he was kissing me back, but I didnt care. I was kissing him, I was kissing Edward, the man I was starting to fall for, the man that made me feel... alive! I never felt this way before, with anyone, I knew that Edward was going to be the only man I would love, the only man that I would ever want, and I was going to make him mine... somehow. 


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